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Introducing the Heart-Centered Way...

As human beings we are endowed with the gift of free-will: the power to choose what life we will live. But even when we want to heal and design a new life, it doesn’t mean we know how.

The Heart-Centered Way is a lifestyle that you can personalize to build the life you want to live. Designed by the core values of: healing, love (in its many forms), and happiness. You can begin a healing journey and experience, pain turning into relief… relief into respite… into recuperation… relaxation… strength… happiness…

Building not just a moment, but a life where you are home inside of yourself (ending the war within), a home within the world, and with those around you. Experiencing safe and healthy relationships, because you know what that means and how to do build them.

To live a different life means: adopting a different understanding + a different approach = for a different life. 

The Heart-Centered Way requires learning new ideas and their application. Building a home for your life requires your dedication and will take time, effort, and perseverance. But you do not need to walk this journey alone.

To begin your healing journey towards a Heart-Centered Way of life, click below or check out my book series: The Human Experience (available in both paperback and e-book).

Rae - medicine woman

You could say she inherited her gifts from an ancestor way back during the time of the Aztecs. If you believe it… she also brought along gifts, skills, and experience from many lifetimes. In addition, she has dedicated years to study, healing, and growth.

She is a medicine woman because it is in her blood, in her soul, and in her heart.

The Human Experience Series

We are born human, here to live a human experience, but until we are explicitly educated – how do we know what that means? The Human Experience series, was born when I sat down to write about all the different ideas, tools, beliefs, and practices I have utilized in my own life.

What began as one giant draft has become a series. Where I tackle the biggest questions we have, leading you on just what is the human experience and how do we live it well?

Weekly Energy Readings

While my book series and articles address the big picture of the Heart-Centered Way of life, I know that life is happening as you read these words. That learning is a process and re-building your life how you want it to be will take time. So, what about right now?

It is my belief that Spirit and our spirit guides work to send us energy (specific vibrations) that aid us through our journey. As these energies enter our environment we are provided love, healing, courage, and direction. But what specific energy is being sent to us?

Through channeling, I tap into the information via my spirit guides. For a brief overview of the energy aid you each month, I post an article that you can read right here. But if you wish to go more in-depth with weekly guidance on how you can learn and integrate the knowledge connected to each month’s energy as well as how you can make the most of the week, consider signing up with my $30.00 monthly subscription for my Weekly Energy Readings.

Delivered each Monday to your inbox, learn more about life and be guided in healing as I and my spirit guides enable the Heart-Centered Way to be applicable to your life today!
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