Heart-Centered Energy:
Within Creation we are supported through a number of tools, structures, and energies. For those who align with Heart-Centered values, we are a vibrational match to specific energies which assist us in navigating life. As a result, we can discover the energetic assistance we are receiving for 2025’s unique energetic environment.
When I sat down with my spirit guides they began by connecting me with a teal colored energy. (#40E0D0 specifically)

This shade of teal introduces the energy of: transmutation.
The layers of energy within 2025 indicate a year of great changes. From global migrations, natural disasters, and even medical advancements the world we know is shifting. In addition, we face new lessons which will trigger endings within our personal lives, making room for the possibility of new beginnings.
When we consider the concept of change, we can become frightened or hopeful. But how can we consciously assist the energies, people, and spiritual forces to manifest a year where we have hopeful and positive change? The answer lies within the energy we are being provided – the energy of transmutation.
Like alchemy, to transmute something is to take one substance/reality and turn it into something else. Learning the traits of transmutation, the tools, and practicing them will offer us proactive options as we navigate the year.

This could mean…
• Learning to purify negative/toxic energy into positive and even healing energy. Such as smudging, grounding & shielding, ending toxic relationships, etc.
• Elevate fear-based lifestyle behaviors into the love-based Heart-Centered styles. Learning new ideas and perceptions.
• Transform unexpected lessons into engaging evolution. As change happens, not fighting it but instead participating in what happens next.
Like the caterpillar who transforms into a butterfly, the process of change is inevitable for us humans. Yet, we get to decide if this change will be hurtful or another step within our personal and collective evolution.
Change is often perceived as scary, because we feel powerless. Learning different ways to transmute what we encounter this year will enable us to take positive action. Whether it is learning energy tools, doing research, weighing options, or asking for assistance.
As you move forwards, consider every roadblock, unwanted moment, or unexpected change as an opportunity. No matter what you face, choose curiosity and ask yourself, “How can I transmute this situation?” Rather than rejecting what the year brings you, approach it like water and with your guidance, place your metaphorical hands within the flow of Creation and direct things into or away from your life. This proactive approach will empower you no matter what you personally encounter.
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I speak of great changes coming, how do I know? If you are interested in investigating the layers of energy making up our environment for 2025 and how they relate and combine, dive deeper below…
Numerology is the belief that each number has traits which shape and influence our energetic environment. Through the analysis of our calendar year, we can gain insight into the energies within our year, month, and even day based upon where we are. Through the addition of 2025, we reduce the number to a collective/universal 9 year energy. (2+0+2+5 = 9)
A Universal 9 Year layers our environment with a blending of completion energies before beginning anew. Marking the end of a major cycle, since numerology follows the cycle of #1-9.

“While we’re welcome to begin something new in a 9 Universal Year, in general, there is no need to rush into anything or make enormous changes. The more we focus on wrapping things up and coming to terms with the people we have become since 2017 (the beginning of the current cycle), the more brilliant and fruitful our options will be when we embark on a new journey next year.
Certain people or situations may also exit our lives during this time but remember that 2025 is a year of release and purging that which no longer suits us. In other words, if something or someone does leave your life, there is likely a very good reason for it, one which will become very obvious in 2026 when the world begins anew.
This year is an opportunity to detox our lives. Relationships that no longer suit us or support us can end. Jobs that don’t satisfy us or meet our needs can be left behind. Most importantly, personal habits that hinder and harm can be totally purged from our lives. Some of these changes may happen quickly and some may happen slowly throughout the year.
It’s in our best interest to remember that improvement and positive change sometimes requires letting go of things so we can make room for new opportunities and experiences. The 9 Universal Year marks the end of a cycle, and while we don’t need to bring every element of our lives to a conclusion, we should stay open to natural endings and culminations that allow us to enjoy a sense of completion.
We’re meant to experience a feeling of satisfaction this year, so there’s no need to race into something new as soon as we complete something else. We’re better served by taking our time. We will experience the greatest benefit of this year’s energy if we avoid expending energy and resources where it simply isn’t necessary.”
~ Charlotte Branca’s Money Reiki
Essentially, within the layer of numerology, this year of 2025 has a focus and thus energetic support towards bringing an end to those things we have outgrown, are harmful, or are in the way of the new things that are waiting to come into our lives. To best integrate the knowledge and influence of this energy means allowing ourselves to slow down.
Imagine yourself going into your room and deciding to test every item within. Checking to see if what you own is still meant to be with you or is meant to be returned to the warehouse of Creation. The process of going through each item of furniture, clothing, keepsake, and decorative item (even the wall color) is a process that takes time.
Even as we are ready to let go of the items we’ve outgrown, we sometimes need to take a moment to remember fondly, to cry a little, or even make sure we find it a good home. All of the steps within this process are time consuming. Which means that this year might feel like a version of cleaning house with your physical belongings as well as your emotional and mental possessions, like relationships and even values/thoughts/behaviors.
There is a risk of rushing through this process or fighting it. So, consider for a moment what happens when you take the items within your room and shove them into a trash bag. We run the risk of not knowing what we’re purging, harming the items, or even hurting ourselves. We also can come to regret not being able to say goodbye.
I can understand the desire to move on with our lives to get to the new, interesting, and “better” items moving into our lives. To clean and make room for them without thoroughly cleaning our home or cutting ties properly. But to release is not the same as to relinquish something. If your heart is still occupied with thoughts about those people, if your physical space still has the dust and dirt of the old, we negatively impact the possibilities of the future. Having the patience and persistence to do the work of allowing things to end at their pace and in a full and complete manner is important for our wellbeing and for our preparation for the new beginnings cycling in during 2026.
Also consider looking at your personal numerological reading for the year, month, and even daily numbers. Click here to see your FREE reading from numerology master Hans Decoz…

Mother Earth’s place within the galaxy changes with each minute. Our relationship to the other planets, stars, sun, and where we are within the 26,000 year cycle all dictates what sort of energies we experience within our collective environment. In addition, our personal relationship astrologically impacts how we personally feel these movements. For more insight in how you will experience the year, check out this video.
Collectively, we are going through a transition where our astrological age (a period of 2,500 years) is shifting from a dominant Piscean influence into the Aquarian Age. While we are now in that Aquarian Age, the influence is like the ocean waves. While the Piscean energies are pulling away from our world, they are overlapping with the Aquarian energies coming in.
As a result, we are witnessing the energetic hand-off. However, an avoidance of change can mean that instead of a healthy hand-off, we are also witnessing and even experiencing a clash. Piscean systems, cultures, and policies within our human societies don’t want to stop being the ones in power. So, not everyone is embracing the shifting energies we are collectively feeling during this period of time. (And I’m talking about the next 100+ years).
As this transition takes place, we are witnessing a clash between the old and the new. This will be heightened this year, as that numerological Universal 9 Year energy encourages us to say goodbye to the old.
While this grand shift will be an overarching layer of energy for the totality of our life, we also have the shifting planets for this year…
“In 2025, the collective field will receive some new impulses. Mars-related issues will be on our minds in the first half of the year. Mars will form exact oppositions with Pluto in January and April (see below for more). In addition, two planets will enter Mars-ruled Aries: Neptune in March and Saturn in May. It is about new beginnings, new departures, and the innocence of the beginner’s mind. Saturn and Neptune will bring these issues sharply into focus. When they conjoin for the first time in July, structures that are no longer viable could come under severe pressure.
Uranus also changes signs in July and enters Gemini for the first time. The energy of renewal will then increasingly focus on communication and the media, science, and the world of ideas in general, thus influencing the quality and direction of the new beginning. We will publish more on the respective topics in the newsletter and website at the appropriate time….
The astrological mood in 2025 could make it necessary to examine the topic of new beginnings more closely. The focus is on motivation for one’s own actions. If your life goals no longer resonate with your inner, soulful motivations, this year could be a time for significant corrections.” ~ astro.com
Within the astrological movements this year, we see how there are already hints towards new beginnings. Like the light that comes from the sun, the energies coming from the planets take days, weeks, and even years to reach us here on Mother Earth. As old energies pull away, new energies shift in, creating this overlapping effect within our environment.
As we witness great changes within this coming year it will naturally stir our minds and hearts about what comes next. About what we want more of and what we want to wrap up and even kick out of our realities. Astrologically, the planets will be the stirring movement in thought and consideration pertaining to what we do want. Because like seeds, we need to begin planting what we desire today in order to witness their growth in the days, weeks, and years to come.
So often we measure the process and steps of life visually. We see the sprout, witness the growth of new leaves, measure their climbing height, and count the buds of flowers set to bloom. Then we shout “success!” when the flowers finally bloom. Yet, we don’t witness the seed’s germination and the slow progress through the soil to the open air.
Our personal lives are like that seed. There are steps we cannot witness. We can’t see the thoughts or inner healing that must take place before the physical realities of these desires sprout out into the world we co-create.
This year we are going to witness the finalization and completion of things within our personal lives and within our collective. Yet, we won’t necessarily witness the new ideas which change has triggered. Like the planetary influences, we cannot physically witness the waves of energies being sent into our environment, but their impact will begin. Planting seeds which we will witness sprout into the open air in the year 2026.
So, if you find yourself planting seeds, know that you are in vibrational alignment within the flow of the Universe. Also remember that while you will feel the changes when you’ve done healing and purging, but it might not be physically visible right away.
Chinese Lunar New Year: The Wood Snake
The lunar new year also brings another layer of shifting energies. In this case, we are moving from a year of the dragon into a year of the wood snake. Within Chinese astrology, the wood snake is associated with wisdom, charm, intuition, and transformation. Supporting careful planning, personal growth, and consistent progress.

Consider the ouroboros, the snake which eats its own tail. This symbolic representation shows us the continuous cycle of destruction and rebirth. Like the numerological cycle of 1-9, the snake’s ability to shed its skin and be reborn indicates how within Creation we are supported in transformation.
January 29th the lunar new year of 2025 comes into effect and we will introduce the additional energetic influence of the wood snake. Bringing wisdom, intuition, and that heightened power of conscious transformation through transmutation into our lives. (For insight into how the wood snake impacts your zodiac specifically, click here.)
Teal Swan:
Spiritual teacher, metaphysically gifted, and holistic healer Teal Swan offers a variety of insights and guidance. Her 2025 Forecast is worth watching in its own right. That being said, here is a brief overview, so that you can see how it relates to our year…
2025 is a year where alignment between our authenticity and desires must take place. Where we don’t limit ourselves by settling for less than what we are capable of. Our lives are meant to be enjoyed through our discovery of personal fulfilment.
As a result, there are two key points that we will witness and even experience…
#1: What we call within tarot, a Tower moment. Where what we’ve built in life (the Tower), will be struck by truth and divine intervention (lightening), and bring what we’ve become accustomed to crumbling down to the ground. These “crisis” will be that expression of the Universal 9 Year, where the things no-longer a vibrational match to our truth (that authenticity) and where we are headed (desires) are being escorted out of our lives.
If we fight the truth, deny our dreams, or become passive these endings will require intervention. Essentially, a Tower moment. Which will point out where we are living less than what is possible for us.
#2: Change. As you can see, these shifting energies and resulting shifts within our personal and collective lives all mean the same thing – change. For those who fight evolution, healing, growth, and transition this will be a very hard year. For those of us who actively participate and engage in our own change, we can experience great manifestations. Yet, since we are interconnected, we will also need to take the time to express the need for change with those we encounter who are unwilling or maybe just hesitant and scared about that change.

For more specifics and even examples as to how the collective energies for 2025 will express themselves, check out Teal Swan’s full video…
Heart-Centered Energies:
Lastly, we return to my own personal channeling. Rather than looking at our collective energies as Teal Swan does, I am looking specifically at the helpful energy are a vibrational match to here at the Heart-Centered Way.
When we consider the changes happening astrologically, the focus upon endings within numerology, the collective need for authenticity, and the elevation that happens through shedding our old skin – we begin to get a fuller picture of what 2025 is all about. Collectively this means those: migrations, Mother Earth changing her weather patterns and introducing new species, medical/technological advancements, and even conflict as old systems fight to keep their power.

Personally, these energies will impact us all uniquely and through the investigation of how we relate astrologically (western and Chinese), numerologically, and also consider life events/situations we can shed light onto what we can expect. We then can bolster our power by engaging in what we encounter. To take these triggers for change and choosing how and into what we transform into. These considerations mean that we are transmuting raw potential, concerning situations, and even limiting relationships into a hopeful, positive, authentic, and fulfilling life.
2025’s energetic environment is already around us and what it creates will come to us. Yet, it is how we choose to perceive the year, which will determine how we interact, and therefore, how we will experience the year. We hold within us the ability to have a wonderful year.
Many Blessings in 2025!