May 2024 Collective Reading – It’s time to relax and cuddle!

Greetings Chickadee!

Astrologically, May is a month of rest and enjoyment. With a dip into consolidating new learning mid-month. Then a return to lightness, freshness, love, and even sensuality.

Astrologically speaking, May 2024 is a month ripe with the opportunity for fun.

Yet, within my channeling for this month’s collective energy – the first word to come through was: chaos.

Essentially, on a spiritual level, the cosmos is embracing a moment of relaxation. On the human front – continued change and escalation: results with the potential for chaos. But like all things in our existence, we have free-will; the power to choose what reality we will live.

So, what is the recommendation?                             Hunker down!

My spirit guides began the channeling, addressing the conflict out there in the world. So, when they then said we can have a wonderful month – it would be believable.

So much of life is what we choose. What we focus on and seek out. If you choose, you will not only witness but personally experience the waves of chaos passing across the globe. Or you can duck.

Like students in school, we can put our head down and focus on what is before us; allowing the chosen conflict of others to speak over and walk around us.

How do we do this?

Focus on what is right in front of you: essentially, the present moment. This can be done by sinking into sensation, pleasure, your emotions, which all reside and therefore bring you to the present.

To circumvent the waves, we can’t just try to survive. Survival is a moment: where our body changes chemically and even our brain waves and thinking shift. All designed to get us to safety. But an adrenaline rush doesn’t last beyond a moment. Survival is not meant to be a state of being but a tool.

To spend May or the year or longer in the habit of survival will leave our system ravaged and overspent. We might be able to endure, but it could keep us in conflict. Now is the end of needless endurism.

Instead, take the time to do what’s right and healthy for you. Like a student who sees the school around them, there is a whole world out there. But we are never everywhere at once, nor do we have contact or influence with all people.

In life, we are woven with parts of it. Certain people, places, ideas, and moments. We get to choose them, to keep them, and to let go.

In the month of May, we are presented with the brilliant opportunity to rest and be happy. This can happen when we tap into that happiness (emotions are birthed in the moment).

When the pull of the world beyond our reach becomes too much, we can utilize the touch of people to help us anchor back into the personal weavings we have with life.

It’s Time to Cuddle!

Within an interview with doctors John and Julie Gottman (of the Gottman Institute) they shared that research shows that only 4% of non-cuddlers in relationships are happy. That means that 96% of non-cuddlers are unhappy.

We as human beings need touch from the moment we are born. Not only do we need it, but we can use it to weave ourselves with others and to anchor into the moment. When we ground into where life is happening, the parts of life that we are not connected to pass right by us.

Yes, the conflict is there, but if it’s not part of our present moment not only is it not where we need to live, but it is also beyond our reach and influence. We also learn where we do have influence. Thus, empowered to address the chaos within our life and know what is a wave we can duck under.

As you journey through the month, bring resolution (to the best of your ability) to the chaos that crosses your path. If you have the energy to move your path to where you see conflict, to help someone else out – go for it. But otherwise, live your life…your way.

Use your power of choice, to duck under the waves and tap into the cosmic force of relaxation.

May: a soft peach colored energy, offering us relaxation…

• Ground through touch. Cuddle!     (4 Reasons to Cuddle More)
• Tap into your emotions.
• Address what you are connected with in life and let the rest flow around you.

Many Blessings this month Chickadee!

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