Transforming our month, we are finding ourselves within an astrological whirlpool of changing and shifting energies. Leaving our month on a dynamic energetic journey, where each week will be its own unique feel. To aid us in this coming month, Spirit is sending us a blazing orange wave of energy, akin to an open flame.
Imagine this open flame passing through your life and you’ll have a pretty good idea of what to expect this coming month.
Be it…
– Changes
– Challenges
– Re-birth
– Death/transition
– Truth
– Clarity
Due to this month’s strong energy, we are asked: How will you face the flames of life?
That is the essence to this month’s energy and learning – How do you handle life’s challenges and unexpected bumps?
When we consider the evolving arc to a human life, we find a constant presence of change and evolution. Be it age, life experiences, and relationships; we are not who we were last year and we will not be who we are next year. In light of change, we find ourselves facing moments of the unexpected, both positive and perceived negative. But we are not meant to be left to suffering. So what is the answer?
It is my personal belief that we can learn, train, and hone ourselves to know a state of harmony no matter what we are facing. With free-will and consciousness we are equipped to live life how we choose. Embracing the suffering or challenging ourselves to live differently. Hence, my advice for not only this coming month’s ups and downs, but ideally your future moving forwards…
Trick/Skill to the Month:
Center Yourself – You cannot handle what life brings your way if you aren’t consciously inside of yourself. You can transform the situation by figuring out where you stand. Be that consciously focusing on the present moment with your mind, seeing where your boundaries and responsibilities are, or maybe acknowledging our interconnectedness and calling in cosmic support.
Face the Flame – No matter what you are encountering if you run away, you change the dynamic of your life. Rather than running/traveling towards things you want, your life becomes about running away from things. Oftentimes the difference in intention determines whether you get to enjoy what you want moving forwards. To end suffering, you must face it and travel through it. If you run, you drag it behind you. Take a deep breath and face it. Call for help. You will get through this!
Take a Breath – No matter what’s going on, if you can slow down to focus on your breathing, you break-down your life to the barest essentials. Sometimes that’s what you need to do. Breathe for this one minute. Allow that minute to grow into an hour, day, week, month – before you know it, you’ll feel stronger.
Develop and Nurture Learning – You can only utilize the knowledge and tools you possess. Sometimes a “problem” or challenge in life feels like facing the open flame because you don’t know what to do. So…Google it. Or ask a friend. Say a prayer. But no matter which of these methods you use, be open to learning. Nurture your own growing strength so that you may hone your skills in life.
Sometimes we can only breathe. Especially when we face our greatest fears. Other times, we follow the feelings to uncover hidden wounds and trauma (Check out Teal Swan’s Completion Process to learn how.)
The #1 Gift: “I Choose.”
Very recently I have begun a new endeavor in my life. Which will manifest a long-held prayer, but it also means stepping into a great unknown environment and facing my deepest fears and old wounds. I had a moment where unanticipated information blindsided me and I was pushed into anxiety and a tailspin. Our emotions are messengers, about: life, ourselves, wants/needs, fears, wounds, etc. But we get to decide.
If I allowed my fears, they could have ruined my evening and even pushed me to derail my work. But through mental and conscious choice I re-directed my evening. By stating to myself, “I am safe.” which graduated to “I choose.”
So, there I was sitting meditation style on my bed, saying out loud, “I choose.” Over and over again. Because I needed to remind myself that I get to choose how I will experience and handle this moment in my life. Slowly the fight or flight mode my amygdala triggered in the wake of my anxiety subsided, and slowly I was able to think about my problem, break it down, and come up with a game plan.
Life, like a river flows around us and brings us things all the time. Some of those things we want and some teach us what we do want by bringing us what we don’t want. But no matter what life brings to us, we get to decide. I choose…. how I will feel, what I will think, how I will handle the situation, who I ask for help, if I neglect myself or if I give myself a moment to just breathe.
I choose, because I am free. I have free-will. So, I get to choose my life.
You choose, because you are free. You have free-will. So, you get to choose your life.
This month we are bending up and sliding downwards in the wake of cosmic energies and human collective events. But we get to choose how we handle, embrace, work with, navigate, and face the open flame. Walk through the flame and be purified of your fears. Be set free!