As the sun is tinged red by the brush fires and the heat beats down. What better way to talk about the fire’s energy encapsulated by the Suit of Wands, than to sit in this sweating heat of summer as I write these words?
The Suit of Wands begins our journey into the Minor Arcana. While the Fool has traveled the Major Arcana (Fool’s Journey) he will also encounter the 56 cards of the Minor Arcana.
As you may recall, the Fool represents us on our journey. Even if we aren’t a man. The Fool doesn’t have a number, because he will travel not only the Major Arcana, but the Minor Arcana in order to learn and experience life.

Within tarot, we encounter many cycles and different journeys. Just like life, these many cycles create connections within the cards of tarot. Depending upon which journey you take, different attributes found within the cards will shine.
Today, we will journey the story found within the Wands pip cards (#1-10). By pulling in the attributes of fire’s energy and the qualities found in numerology, astrology, and the Qabalah, we can dissect and uncover the meanings of the Suit of Wands.
Ace of Wands:

Our journey begins with the blushing energies of the Ace of Wands. The first card within the Minor Arcana, the Ace of Wands talks about the manifestation of new things in our lives.
Numerology’s one energy pairs with this card to create an environmental energy of new beginnings. When this card presents itself within a spread it means new seeds are being planted.
This manifestation of energy might be like a fire’s embers unseen, yet beneath the surface cultivating. Sending us on a new adventure.
Ace of Wands Meanings:
- Known as the “Root of Fire.”
- New beginnings. (#1)
- The secondary “yes” card. (The wand within the Fool’s hand appears like a thumbs up.)
- New energy & letting go of the old.
- Relationships:
- A new relationship.
- A new perspective on an old relationship.
- The birth of a child. (Starting of a family).
Two of Wands:

Just as these new beginnings are manifesting on an energetic level, we need to ponder just how we might utilize this new burst of fire. This heralds a transition to the next stage or the 2 of Wands.
When this card presents itself, it suggests that plans must be made. New seeds have been planted but their purpose and strength are yet to be determined.
By gazing upon this card, we can see the Fool lost within his mind, navigating his thoughts and ideas in order to make his plan. Within one hand he holds the tools and energy (wand) while his other hand holds a globe.
Before him the barren land offers opportunities for him to create. But what will he decide to do?
2 of Wands Meanings:
- Making plans.
- Enthusiasm.
- Choices to be made.
- The Cause card of cause and effect.
- Relationships:
- A new and fresh relationship.
- Making plans.
- A new chapter in an old relationship.
Three of Wands:

Journeying onwards, we encounter a very different quality of energy. No-longer are the plans being made, we are now beginning to witness the fruits of the 2 of Wands labor.
As he stands, we can see that the soil is no-longer barren, but rather the seeds have been planted and their growth is becoming evident. While we still have a long way to go until we reach the end of our journey (10 of Wands). The Fool has moved past the manifesting and planning stages of our enterprise.
It is important to note the importance that the 2 of Wands had. Without the planning, a wild patch of foliage or even a browned patch of dead grass, could be what we witness within the 3 of Wands.
Energy on its own is not enough, it is through the planning, disciple, and hard work that we can help things grow to fruition.
3 of Wands Meanings:
- Starting to see results.
- Teamwork.
- Ready to take the plan out into the world.
- Your ship is sailing in. (What your ship brings (wealth or destitution) depends on what work you’ve put in).
- The Effect card of cause and effect.
- Relationships:
- Connections developing.
- A level of commitment evident.
- Cultivating of a new or even an old and neglected relationship.
Four of Wands:

Once we get to see what our hard work has brought us, it’s time to celebrate. Yes, there is still more work to be done, but with our plans in progress it is important to cherish each wonderful moment. In this way, we are able to experience a great amount of joy and happiness in our lives.
4 of Wands Meanings:
- Celebration. (A pause brought by the 4’s energy).
- Work well done.
- A wedding or party.
- Happy where you are in life.
- Relationship:
- Stable relationship.
- Coming romance/child/relationship.
- With the Hierophant- marriage.
Five of Wands:

But as is with all life, we possess not only the ability to create great happiness but also create pain and conflict. When our journey leads us to the 5 of Wands there are two possibilities we can encounter.
The first and more positive is the potential we have in life. Within this image we can see five men in the midst of battle. When this card presents itself in a spread, it can speak about our inner conflict.
With five wands (options/paths) at our disposal, we must choose which version of ourselves to embrace. In doing so, the five’s energy reminds us of the unexpected changes we can encounter in life.
Just as this card can speak of great and many varied opportunities, it can also speak of destruction and failure. The Ace of Wands brought an opportunity filled with potential, but how we’ve chosen to plan and work hard will determine if there will be fruits for our labor.
If we have chosen to work hard our opportunity has been rewarded, but if we have procrastinated and slacked, we will not be successful.
5 of Wands Meanings:
- “The battle of life.”
- Choosing what idea/thought to run with.
- Inner conflict.
- Sparring/debate.
- A test of strength.
- Attempting a meeting of the minds.
- Relationship:
- No longer on the same page. (Generally, this is minor.)
Six of Wands:

It is time to see if we have worked hard or not and discover what has come from this new beginning. In the 6 of Wands we witness a celebration. Not only has our hard work paid off, but we are being acknowledged for it.
As we see within this image, the Fool is being heralded during a parade. While the job (war) is yet to be completed, we have traveled far within this cycle and are celebrating the small accomplishments (battle).
6 of Wands Meanings:
- Victory/triumph.
- Temporary success. (You’ve won the battle but not the war).
- Need to get your ducks in a row.
- Need to manage your plan.
- An inspirational leader/hero/role model.
- Relationship:
- Seeking good in all things.
- Seeking harmony. (Influence of 6’s energy.)
- This is what you want.
Seven of Wands:

Due to hard work, The Fool is not only on his way to success, but has changed within the eyes of his community. Now within a position of leadership our hero rallies his troops.
Each of the six wands seen within this image, come from our previous card. His supporters answering his call and bringing with them, the tools and skills (wands) to join him in his efforts.
7 of Wands Meanings:
- Position of advantage.
- Defending thoughts & ideas.
- Rallying people to you.
- Using your words.
- Tools at your disposal.
- When surrounded by negative (-) cards, defending against your enemies.
- Relationship:
- Standing up for yourself.
- “This is what I want.”
- Seeking truth.
Eight of Wands:

With aid at your side, our journey is moving swiftly now. No-longer are we in the planning stages of our adventure (new beginning/enterprise). We are now growing in leaps and bounds.
8 of Wands Meanings:
- Things moving at a great speed.
- Travel by air.
- Prayers being sent.
- A message coming/going.
- Energy/message manifesting downwards towards Earth.
- Relationship:
- Arrows of love.
Nine of Wands:

But just as we have moments of swift movement, filled with large surges of energy. We must balance these moments with rest and respite. As we can see with the 9 of Wands, the Fool has come to a pause (#9) within his journey.
Safe from harm, he is protected by his wands. The Fool takes a moment to re-gather his thoughts before charging once more into the fray of life.
His bandages let us know that he is no-longer untouched by life. Through lessons and experiences, he now has acquired wisdom and knowledge. Sometimes these are hard won.
9 of Wands Meanings:
- “The Wounded Warrior.”
- Strength in reserve.
- Power to move forward when pause is completed.
- Defending what you have/what’s happened.
- Preparing/resting for final test/lesson/step.
- Relationship:
- Second guessing if this is what you desire.
- Stepping away to process and gather thoughts.
Ten of Wands:

This rest instills the Fool with a new set of strength, and he has re-entered the world, to embrace his responsibilities. While these jobs weigh him down, they are also what lead him to his final destination.
Symbolized by the castle in the distance, his Castle of Dreams represents his end goal and all the wonders of life. Just by staying on his course he will soon find himself at the end of his journey and safely home.
10 of Wands:
- Completion.
- Accountability.
- Wands symbolize different thoughts & ideas, in this case don’t take on anything else right now.
- Burnt out.
- Need to set better boundaries.
- Encouraged to keep moving forward.
- Break it down. Do one thing (one wand) at a time.
- Relationship:
- Your relationship is a big burden.
- Relationship has poor boundaries, leaving you carrying the weight of it.
*While these are the common meanings of each pip card, they are not limited to what you find here. Each card will come to mean something unique to you, based on how you experience it. These definitions and meanings merely act as a guide for your intuition to navigate the plethora of options to narrow down the meaning meant for your reading.
The story found within the weavings of the Suit of Wands led the Fool through a cycle of passion and new endeavors. Now as his adventure has drawn to a close, we find ourselves changed.
We entered into the world innocent and through this journey, become students of life. Next week we will embark on a new adventure into a very different world. The world of Cups and emotions, so stay tuned.
This week spend five minutes analyzing each pip card. (#1-10). How do these cards feel? What story do they share with you? How do they appear in your spreads?
- Check out these videos on the Suit of Wands:
- Check out these posts on Tarot:
- Stone: Red Jasper.
This vibrant stone connects with our root power or Root Chakra. This stable energy can send steady and healing energy our way. In this way, we can become revitalized and connect with the passion we can find in life.
The energy found within the red jasper stone have many commonalities with the Suit of Wands. Both invoke energies of passion, energy, courage, and creativity.
For more on this stone, check out this website: Energy Muse– Red Jasper.
- Affirmations:
- “I open my mind to the thoughts and ideas that are triggered by the Suit of Wands.”
- “I connect with the energy of fire, so it may teach me.”
- “I am safe as I delve into a new world and understanding of life.”