Why The Heart-Centered Way: The Conscious Building of Your Life

What comes to mind when you read: “apple” ?

Within life we begin with something as simple as a word…
1. It invokes an image, memory, opinion, desire, or even a repulsion. (mind)
2. From this perception, we feel – happy, sad, interested, etc. (heart)
3. Eliciting a physical response – heart rate, breathing, unconscious movement, adrenaline, etc. (body)
4. We then make a choice and take action. We reach out, we draw back, we frown, or we smile. (spirit/free-will)

Within a split second …. we go through all of this, and then the world answers us. People around us feel closer or feel unsafe. We have or we don’t have an experience. We prolong a situation, or we end it.

We just wrote one second of our life.

From this one second, we slip into the next; influenced by the people, places, things, situations, and experiences responding to us. Leaving us with a perception, thought, feeling, choice, action/words – and there goes one more second. We send out signals coming from our choices (subconscious or conscious), the world responds to us, and we have built our life and co-created life/reality as we know it.

These seconds quickly become minutes, days, years, decades – a life. Our life.

A life that began with a second and a perception (an understanding of the situation). This understanding (unhealthy or healthy) then shapes how we feel. Which influences not only the well-being of our health, but what we choose. If we choose to speak and take action for or against something. All of which has a ripple effect on how the world responds to us.

When we realize that it is not the event but our perception of it that determines the quality of the experience and therefore the quality of our life – we discover the personal power to write our life how we want it.

Our free-will: the ability to choose, is the home of our personal power. The ability to not only choose what sort of life we want, but to choose to build it.

To take our personal power of choice and not only choose to heal a habit or walk away from a dysfunctional relationship, but to also choose to redesign our life.

Our life; our way.

When we read the word: “apple,” we understand that word. Or maybe we don’t. You see, if our understanding of a situation, person, or a set of options is unhealthy, inaccurate, or harmful – we can end up creating an unhealthy and often harmful life. (Unnecessary pain being created.)

While I am all for healing any and every element within our life – I wanted more. As a result, I have put together not only an understanding of life: weaving practicality with science, logic, feeling, spirituality, and heart – but interlaced this understanding with an approach.

A planned approach to life – to design a life that you want to be living. Based on a Heart-Centered lifestyle but also free to be personalized to each individual.

We have a choice: to cross our fingers and hope for happiness, or if we will actively create a happy, healthy, healing, loving, thriving life. A life of personal inner peace and the power to evolve into a Heart Warrior and change the world we are co-creating.

If you wish to join me, then stick around as I layout the plan to: The Heart-Centered Way!

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