December 8th: Holiday Plans Designed For You

What is Christmas?

In 2019 I did a Christmas Countdown, and in the process of research and contemplation I learned more about the history of Christmas and how I felt about Christmas. Despite it being my favorite holiday, I learned much in these twenty-four days in December.

So, in light of what I learned I ask you-

What is Christmas to you?

I could tell you about the history of the Christmas tree and how the novel A Christmas Carol and the poem of “Twas the Night” re-defined Santa and Christmas for America. But it is not America that is celebrating Christmas in your home, in reality it’s you.

What Makes a Holiday?

When I say, “Christmas, New Years, Birthdays, Mother’s/Father’s Day” what do you think? How do you feel?

I personally believe that holidays are meant to be moments filled with joy. Days where we honor the things we value, the things that are important to life and the human experience.

But just because this is how I believe holidays are meant to be, it doesn’t mean they come pre-wrapped and delivered with happiness. Yes, there are traditions to holidays but we as individuals co-create the yearly experience.

If we awaken to Christmas morning and feel grumpy and behave like a grump- we create a holiday experience. If we are argumentative, confrontational, unforgiving, demanding, and uncaring we taint the holiday.

We co-create a holiday with the people around us. This means that we each have a responsibility and influence over what the end result is. Together, as a community, we decide- What is a holiday?

So again, I ask you- What is Christmas?

What would you like Christmas to be?


In the past, Christmas might have been filled with joy or with confrontation. This year, you have the opportunity to create something magical.

Designing a Holiday For You:

To put the pieces in place and set yourself up for success, consider these elements to a healthy and happy life.

Self-Love: Self-Care

In order to be available for human connection and conversation you need to be up for it. If you are exhausted, over-taxed, or overwhelmed you are not in a position to co-create a happy holiday experience.

You are also the one with the power over yourself. This means that you are in a position to care for yourself, to love yourself. Through this self-love you can not only feel engaged and awake during the holidays but also design the holidays to work for you.


There are a number of activities, places, and people available during the holiday season. From Christmas bazaars to friend and family gatherings you could fill each week and weekend of December with festivities. But would you feel happy? Would you feel rested?

What makes your personal experience of the holiday season pleasurable is based upon the choices you make. Decide which gatherings and activities you are up for and which ones interest you. Decide how you will perceive and experience the gathering, and don’t allow someone else’s grumpy mood to ruin your experience.

Choose Healthy People:

While you are the one with the power of your mood, perception, and choices, we still co-create the holidays. So, choose who you want to be around.

I know that in popular culture there comes an expectation to invite everyone to your holiday celebrations and to put up with whatever they may say or do, but is this healthy? Is this good for you?

This year I challenge you to think about who you want to be around.

Final Thoughts:

To me Christmas is about the spirit and the love. My love for compassion and peace, also love for my family and friends. There are a number of festivities I enjoy, including baking Christmas platters for the neighbors, but amidst the family and frivolity, some of my most pleasant holiday memories and experiences involved only me.

Just yesterday I sat cuddled on the couch with a roaring fire, my coffee, and Christmas music play, as I looked out my window at the beautiful snow and snowflakes. The snowflakes were of the coffee filter variety taped to my window and the snow coated the ground, road, trees, and surrounding mountains.

This holiday season, you have the powerful opportunity to make holiday plans that work for you. To honor what you love and how you feel. To answer the question, what is Christmas?

Have a wonderful day Chickadee, I look forward to seeing you next time.

For some wonderful tools on how to empower you this holiday season as you tell people your plans check out tomorrows post, as we count our way down to Christmas!

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