February 2024 Collective Reading – A Time of Living in Happiness…

What is our most honest truth? – It is the truth we actually live.

The month of February offers us a new vibration of energy. While January had us focusing on purging the various elements in our life, February is about inviting in blessings, miracles, happiness, joy, etc.

The quality of this month’s energy is: bright, fresh, colorful (like a crystal prism), and squishy. If you imagine your favorite fruit – the color, flavor, freshness, and squishiness. The simple pleasure of eating our favorite fruit is the feeling we can expect from this month’s energy.

With a flare of poppy red to February, we are experiencing energy designed to invite in new experiences, situations, people, places, and things to fill the empty spaces of our lives. What will determine and shape this month’s quality is determined by you – what you choose.

When we let go and purge in our lives, we open up space for higher vibrational options. But we can also replace old situations and relationships with repeat experiences if we approach life in the same manner.

To be a vibrational match to not only the newness coming this month, but for that newness to be blessings, happiness, miracles, etc.… we must choose our most honest truth.

Happiness, love, healing – the idea of these experiences become true when we ask…

“What thought/word/action is in alignment with happiness/healing/love?”
“What would someone who loves themselves do?”
“Is this experience/person/place/thing bringing me joy?”

Taking a few precious seconds throughout our day to ask ourselves how we feel, can point the way to what is wanted and needed in our lives and what is taking time and space away from our happiness.

To live a life of color, filled with the greatest of Creation means living that as our truth. Therefore, our lesson for this month is: Courage!


To live a life of color, bright and squishy like this month’s energy, we must be willing to not only identify the idea of happiness, but actually live by that truth. Pick those thoughts, words, and actions, and more importantly be willing to walk away from what isn’t bringing us happiness/wellbeing. Even if we don’t yet know what will bring us what we truly seek.

February 2024 is a month “to suck out all the marrow of life,” (Henry Thoreau). Where these dreams, miracles, and ideals become a reality. Such great levels of happiness are being woven within the energetic fabric of reality at this time, to be in alignment with it requires courage.

To stop devoting attention and energy to competing in misery or holding back the joy. Instead, grin and smile and walk away from draining toxicity and towards joy.

This month put into action: is about doing what you have been thinking and talking about. Happiness becomes a reality when we do what we want to do. This is not a time to say, “someday.” Instead ask, “Are you free?” Free to smile today. Free tomorrow to try a new restaurant, talk with a friend, take a detour to work – making happiness a reality now.

As a result, you might tap into some ancestral-based internal conflict. Due to the fact that in the past, such happiness has been condemned. Choose to not only be happy but self-loving. Be understanding when you feel an internal conflict when choosing happiness. Walk the walk – show the past how it’s done, that this is a new and different era. (This will heal the rift within and even send healing up and down the ancestral line.)

Not all systems will be on board with us being happy today. Many like to compete in misery and to limit what is deemed as “acceptable/good” happiness. But despite the occasional oppositional force – Heaven will be on board. Asking the question “Why can’t there be a heaven on Earth?”

The trick to the month:

#1: Stop engaging in the active participation of misery. At any moment of the day when you check in and aren’t happy, you can re-write how your day is going.

#2: Do what has been thought about, talked about, dreamed about. To be happy is not to travel to happyland – it is to choose happy now. To walk the walk.

We are being gifted a special energy in February 2024, filled with newness. Spirit prays this newness is the very best of Creation, we can make it so by choosing not only what our ideals and truths are – but living them.

Many Blessings this month!

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