January 2024 Collective Reading

Greetings Chickadee!

January is a month of clearing away what no-longer is in alignment with our coming year. This will be done by the testing of what we hold most close. What is most true and authentic will remain and what isn’t will vacate our energetic and physical space – creating space for new blessings moving forwards into the new year.

Channeled Insight:

My channeling began with this phrase – “chiseled in stone”

With a month already naturally utilized to reflect – Spirit is putting such thoughts to greater use – to test the might of stone.

Long ago, human beings chiseled what was most important and sacred into stone. Water would not wash it away like ink and papyrus, and even sand could not crumble it. So, now thousands of years later we still see what has come before.

In our personal lives we also engrave upon our minds and hearts, like stone, what we consider most important and sacred. This month’s energy – dark, deep blue, is here to test what we hold most close (not most dear). This moving energy reminiscent of time and the galaxy’s feel: is like the testing of stone. Rubbing at the carvings, only what is most true and healthy will remain.

Why? So we can be lightened, strengthened, and readied for the year ahead…

Lightened: What wounds, angers, injustices have you been holding onto? Are you ready to bring healing to them? To release them – not because they aren’t important but rather as an act of self-love.

Strengthened: Your most authentic truths and values come from within. But sometimes we also hold onto our culture’s truths, our family’s, and even outdated ones. When we think upon and realize what is truly most important and sacred to us, we come to know what we truly need and want in order to be fulfilled. Pair this with some self-love (consider reading the section in Volume I – The Special Truth, pg. 70) and thus, we are strengthened to live life, our way.

In our connections with others, it is just as important to be authentically in love. This means the healthiest binding element is not status, beliefs, or shared work, but rather a shared heart. We do not need to think, feel, or live the exact same way to love someone.

If any manner of doing, thinking, or even things owned are not authentic to you, you can release them and still keep your loved ones. (Also consider how they can live differently than you and still love you.)

At the end of the day, we are forever growing, acquiring, and sometimes out-growing. While you experience this month’s energy, putting time as a test to what you hold most close, you will find some connections come to an end while others remain.

During the day-to-day of the month, consider this: Treat others the way you wish to be treated (The Golden Rule).

As you go about the month, consider how important support and acceptance is as you live authentically. Or at the very least the intention to do no harm. You can utilize this guideline when observing how people, places, and things operate with you. Are they respecting your freedom? Therefore, will you keep these things or will you allow them to fall away, creating space for new blessings? You can also use this guideline to aid you with your interactions towards others.

This understanding of living our personal authenticity can help shape how we view situations in the coming month. With our free-will we can choose… What to take personally vs. see as authentic uniqueness in others. What you take ownership of and what you leave for others to face (what is in your free-will power and what isn’t).

Compassion is to see yourself in others. Allow the binding element of being human and wanting the freedom to live life authentically shine within those you see. To remember that we are all connected. This liberates you from needing sameness in lifestyle to be a binding element. Instead, we embrace the “live and let live” mentality. In doing so we engage with our own life, living it the way we wish, which creates the intention and manifestation of more blessings to come.

Ultimately this decision to allow what has been held close but not dear to fall away is liberating for all. We want to be around the places and people who want us. When we let go or are let go, we free each other to find the true connections built from love. Heightening the quality of our life to the things we hold most dear.

Key Points:

– January is about testing what we hold most close.
Energy – dark, deep blue connected with the essence of time and our galaxy’s force
Universal #9 month – about letting go and getting ready to move forwards into a new cycle
Influence – to clear away what is no-longer healthy and authentic for you. To strength, lightened, and prepare you.
Application – Treat yourself as you wish to be treated. Carry that through with how you perceive others and how you treat them. Creating the feeling of safety for freedom to live how we wish to.


To look at this month’s focus we see again how Creation views you as important. Each time you choose to honor you, how you feel, or even offer yourself compassion and forgiveness when we don’t get it completely healthy – you are being loved and supported. Who you are matters and has value within the eyes of Creation.

Many Blessings This Month Chickadee!

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