Guided Meditations:

We have the option to let life take us where it wishes. In this scenario we live life almost subconsciously. Left to hope and pray that we end up with happiness. Or… we can choose to live life consciously, awake, and aware. To become an active participant in our life. One option, life happens to us, in the other – we shape our life. Action taken in alignment with our: needs, wants, desires, values, and most authentic truths.

To become skilled in living actively, we can utilize the tool of meditation. Like a professional athlete who trains and hones their body, creating a strong connection so that they can win the Gold medal – we can train ourselves to become aware of what we are creating and allowing in our lives. For it is through our internal reality (the world within) that we set the stage for what we create, discover, and experience externally.

Through meditation we connect with our consciousness, subconsciousness, and even our higher self (soul). Bringing to our awareness the different thoughts, feelings, dreams, desires, and even fears we have. From this knowledge we can act. We also strengthen our will, which then empowers us to change any of those thoughts, feelings, or choices that are not in alignment with our dreams.

Here you will find different guided meditations meant to help you empower yourself, hone your skills, strengthen your will, and aid you as you consciously create and maintain a life of your dreams.

Grounding is an energy technique that we can all utilize to aid our lives. Through intention, visualization, and opening up to the power that is you – we can create a connection with Mother Earth. This energetic connection and sensation of grounding enables us to live more deeply and with less fear and worry. Within this guided meditation, I will introduce the tool of grounding and walk you through how you too, can ground. (9 min)

Grounding is an energy tool for safety, strength, and positive manifestation. It also can be done in a number of ways. Discover another method to grounding that bypasses the energy found on the top layer of Mother Earth, as you learn to ground with her Iron Crystal Core. (7 min)

Shielding is that next step in energy work. Like grounding, it is a visualization practice that enables us to become conscious energy workers. To utilize the power of intention, manifestation, and energy to surround ourselves with energy shields, specifically designed for our needs. Within this guided meditation, discover one of my Six Safety Tools, and become an energy shielding wizard. (15 min)

Intuition is, it does not need to be created. Therefore, intuition has a home within each one of us. Through this guided meditation, take the journey to deep within yourself and discover the home of your intuition. (19 min)

Within this guided meditation, I will walk you through all 12 of your Chakras. As you discover each one, you align yourself with their frequency and bring balance to your body, mind, heart, and soul. With added messages from the Energy Healing Oracle deck by, Mario Duguay, this meditation will unlock stuck and hurt energy giving way to healing and harmony. (35 min)

Spirit guides are messengers, teachers, guides, supporters, and so much more. They can be our guardian angels, ancestors, animals, celestial beings, magical creatures, and more. They are our family. They are a part of our life if we choose to have a relationship with them and thus, with Spirit.

This year, during my channeling for the 2023 Yearly Forecast my spirit guides shared with me that we are all receiving a new spirit guide for the year 2023. A guide that will support and act as our chaperone as we uncover new knowledge. Within this guided meditation, I will share about spirit guides and walk you through a vision quest to meet your spirit guide for 2023. (27 min)

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