Library of Tools:

Discover the resources, articles, and topics that have contributed to my own journey. Listed alphabetically, they range from practical skills, philosophical ideas, to metaphysical tools. This is my Library of Tools…

In order to change the world we sometimes need to do things differently. Rather than supporting big corporations, choose instead to support the local communities in your area through the online bookstore: Bookshop.

Not only do they provide you an online outlet to purchase books and e-books, as well as oracle and tarot decks, but they also donate a portion of their profits to small bookstores, authors (like me), and publishers. This way you get to enjoy the comforts of purchasing books from your home while also supporting local communities financially and culturally.

Due to my strong support in Bookshop’s mission I have become an affiliate and as such created a page with them. As you peruse the resources listed on this page, many of the books I recommend I have listed on my shop on Bookshop.

By clicking here, you’ll be sent to my page on Bookshop where I have created various book lists (and tarot lists) broken into various metaphysical and self-help categories. Then if you choose to click-on and purchase books or decks from my list, I will receive a small percentage of the profits which I can utilize to create and publish the next book within my Human Experience series.

           Acupuncture is a Taoist tool, utilized to help a person enhance their underlying health (a form of preventative medicine). By studying the energy flow in human beings, the meridians of this energy (Qi), and treating a person as a whole (mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical), acupuncturists can help you reduce or eliminate your chronic ailments and prevent major illness.

Taoist Medicine: The Basics
Acupuncture 101
Acupuncture for Body, Mind, and Spirit By: Peter Mole
The Spark in the Machine- How the Science of Acupuncture Explains the Mysteries of Western Medicine By: Dr. Daniel Keown M.B. Ch.B., Lic. Ac.
Invisible Rainbow- A Physicist’s Introduction to the Science Behind Classical Chinese Medicine By: Changlin Zhang with Jonathan Heaney


Acupuncture- History, How it Works, & What it Helps


           Our self-talk, the thoughts we hold within our mind has the power to strengthen our lives or tear us down. Which is why we need to not only pay attention to the subliminal messages we keep sending to ourselves, but re-write them. Affirmations is a tool you can use to re-write the self-talk you choose to have.


Akashic Records:

          Our past, our present, and even our future is written down in our Akashic Records. Whether you utilize a gifted person or learn to do it yourself, in opening up the records of your existence you can gain insight into your life.
           This tool is great because our past and our future impacts our present. However, not everyone remembers their past (including past lives) and may not know of their future. As a result, we can be blind to the truth of our present situation and even blind to where we are headed.

Do It Yourself Akashic Wisdom By: Jacki Smith & Patty Shaw
The Akashic Records By: Ernesto Ortiz
The Akashic Records


Ancient Aliens: The Akashic Records (Season 12, Episode 10) History Channel

What are The Akashic Records: 


           Astrology is the study of the heavens and the connection they have on us and our life, the lives of those around us, and our Earth. Merriam Webster defines it as: “the divination of the supposed influences of the stars and planets on human affairs and terrestrial events by their positions and aspects.”

Astrology 101: What is Astrology?

Cherokee Astrology:

           Cherokee Astrology is based on the Cherokee, Native American culture. What they learned and pieced together as they observed the sky and resulting response here on Earth.

Cherokee Astrology By: Raven Hail

Taoist Astrology:

           Established by Taoist philosophers, they found a connection between us and the heavens. They then took this tool and wove it into other tools that they uncovered and created.

Taoist Astrology By: Susan Levitt and Jean Tang

Western Astrology:

           Often the most commonly known for those of us in the western world, Western Astrology, like other branches of astrology offers great insight into ourselves and our day-to-day lives.
           I have not found one method of astrology better than another. In my pursuit of knowledge and guidance, I have found aid and insight from all forms of astrology.

The Complete Idiot’s Guide To Astrology By: Madeline Gerwick-Brodeur and Lisa Lenard
Astrology By: Molly Hall
Essential Astrology By: Amy Herring
Crystal Astrology By: Judy Hall (great for creating your own Natal Chart, for FREE)


           The energy that surrounds us, our auras provide insight into health, emotions, and personality. The breadth of our aura can indicate our health as well as the colors that comprise our aura. The shifting colors indicate our current emotional and mental status. While the inner most rings of our aura indicate a foundational element of our personality.

Life Colors By: Pamala Oslie (This book is great for determining, analyzing, and learning about the inner ring of your aura- your personality.)
How To See And Read The Aura By: Ted Andrews

Bach Flower Remedies:

           Created by Dr. Edward Bach this tool is great for treating our emotional and mental state. By utilizing various flowers, Dr. Bach created elixirs that aid people’s well0being, and they are still being used.

Bach Flower Remedies
Bach Flower Website
The Encyclopedia of Bach Flower Therapy By: Mechthild Scheffer
The Bach Flower Remedies By: Edward Bach, M.D. and F.J. Wheeler, M.D.


           Chakras are the energy centers below, within, and above our bodies. When these energy centers become cluttered or stuck we experience emotional, mental, and physical illness. We can use meditation, energy work, crystals, essential oils, and more to heal and maintain healthy chakras.

Chakras 101: What are Chakras?
Chakras for Beginners By: David Pond
Chakras Made Easy By: Anodea Judith
The Book of Chakra Healing By: Liz Simpson

– my 12 Chakra Guided Meditation

Chinese Face Reading:

          Taoist philosophy originated hundreds of years ago, even before Chinese dynasties. They focused on the balance of life, and their goal was to extend the human life to the point where we reach immortality. In this pursuit to flow with life and maintain health, they discovered and created many wonderful tools. Chinese Face Reading is one of those tools. Taoists discovered that the size, placement, and shape of our facial features indicate our healthy, personality, and potentially our future.

Chinese Face Reading 101: What is Chinese Face Reading?
– Check out the expert, Lillian Bridges and her Lotus Institute
Face Reading In Chinese Medicine By: Lillian Pearl Bridges


          Co-dependency can happen when we have little or no boundaries. When we choose to take on responsibility or accountability for things that are not our own- we become co-dependent. Then we rely on others for our identity, self-worth, and more while enabling others in our co-dependency. The reverse is also true. We can fall into a co-dependent relationship, when we place responsibility on others, expecting them to become accountable for our well-being, problems, and even our happiness.
          Whether we are the enabled or the enabler, we can eliminate these relationships by creating healthy boundaries, our own independent identity, self-worth, self-love, and pursue our Path of Happiness.

The Book of No By: Susan Newman

Crystals & Gemstones:

          Crystals have the capacity to influence our energy and vibration, which influences the health and happiness of our mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual reality.
          How do crystals influence us? Each crystal has a unique chemical composition. This ratio of elements determines how they vibrate. These different vibrational levels determines how these crystals influence us.
          Since we are all energy and energy impacts energy, crystals impact us on a vibrational level. This influence allows us to utilize this tool to heal, help, and support ourselves.

Crystals & Gemstones 101
Crystals for The Christmas Season
The Book of Stones By: Robert Simmons & Naisha Ahsian with contributions by Hazel Raven
The Crystal Bible By: Judy Hall
Crystals The Modern Guide to Crystal Healing By: Yulia Van Doren
Crystal RX By: Colleen McCann
Crystal Grids By: Henry M. Mason & Brittani Petrofsky
Crystal Astrology By: Judy Hall


          Diet is the foods that make-up what we eat. The healthy and the unhealthy. When choosing to live a happier and more spiritual life we need to change our diet to promote our healthiest selves, reduce and remove illness, and help promote a higher vibration to connect with Spirit and the Universe.

The Yes & Nos in Food Choice
Life & Eating Right, The Adventure of Food 101
Diet: Breakfast & Beverages
Diet: Lunch & Snacks
Diet: Dinner & Desert
Diet: Tips & Tricks During the Holiday Season

Rodale Institute
Allergy Testing: The first step to change your diet is knowing what foods you can and can’t eat. Often times you can be allergic and not know it. While some allergies cause asphyxiation and death, other allergies inflame the body. This company tests strands of your hair to determine what foods you are allergic to and at what percentage.
The Conscious Kitchen By: Allexandra Zissu
The Home Reference To Holistic Health & Healing By: Bridgette Mars and Chrystile Fielder
Conscious Eating By: Gabriel Cousens, M.D.
– The Detox Miracle Sourcebook By: Robert Morse, M.D.
The Acid-Alkaline Diet By: Christopher Vasey, N.D.
The Acid-Alkaline Food Guide By: Dr. Susan E. Brown & Larry Trivieri, Jr.
The Case Against Fluoride By: Paul Connett PhD, James Beck, MD, PhD, & H.S. Micklim, DPhil
The Toxins Solution By: Dr. Joseph Pizzorno


          We carry within us toxins, negativity, and false wisdom, ideas, perceptions, messages, and lessons. Then within our lives we carry dysfunctional people and places. All of which we need to heal and release in order to move forward with our life. These dysfunctional pieces of our life can come from well-meaning people, societal standards, hurtful people, or our own self-defense mechanisms.
          They come from our past and things we have yet to let go of or from things in our life that are no-longer good for us. No matter the way dysfunction has entered your life, it is time to heal and release the pain and fear that holds you back.

Culling the Toxicity From Your Life
The Recoil of Negative & Toxic Purging
Toxicity & Negative Don’t Come Back!
Inner Demons & Their Dysfunctional Suppressors
The Underlying Problem Part I
The Underlying Problem Part II

Essential Oils/Aromatherapy:

           The essence of a plant can be used to create essential oils. We can then take these essential oils and apply them to our body, environment, and life thus impacting our health, helping us to heal. This tool is great because it impacts our physical as well as psychological well-being. In addition, you can use them to not only help heal but also to empower yourself.

Stephanie Tourle’s Essential Oils By: Stephanie Tourle
Smart Mom’s Guide to Essential Oils By: Dr. Mariza Snyder
The Essential Oils Complete Reference Guide By: KG Stiles BA, CBT, LMT

Feng Shui:

           A Taoist tool, Feng Shui, is a form of geomancy. Through the use of a compass reading and the date of your house’s construction Feng Shui practitioners can tell you what energies are swirling around your home. Through this information you can impact these energies to promote the beneficial energies while diminishing the influence of the chaotic energies. Thus, promoting balance and harmony to your home.

Feng Shui 101
The Complete Idiots Guide To Feng Shui By: Stephen Skinner


           Earth acts as an integral part to our lives. When we are interwoven, learning tools that offer insight into the land we live upon can aid us in living a harmonious life.



           Our health has a huge impact on our happiness. It’s hard to be laughing and happy if you’re puking or fatigued. To that end, there are many tools at our disposal to impact our health, to heal, and maintain great happiness.

Heal Your Body By: Louise Hay (This book links the mental root cause for physical symptoms, then offers an affirmation to help heal the ailment.)
– Pretty much everything else listed here. Whether it’s your mental, emotional, spiritual, or physical health there are many tools at your disposal. In this way, you can develop a personalized system that’s just right for you.


          For thousands of years, we have taken plants to improve our health. Before prescriptions we had herbs. When you choose to take herbs for chronic ailments you can reduce or even eliminate the ailment (while medications often only suppress your symptoms).
           Whether you choose to see a healer or do the research yourself, herbs are a great way to treat the small ailments that we run into. Then in this way we can maintain our health and reduce the chances of ever needing/getting a major illness.

The Home Reference To Holistic Health and Healing By: Brigitte Mars and Chrystille Fielder
Natural Home Remedies By: Malissa Corkhill
National Geographic: Nature’s Best Remedies By: Nancy J. Hajeski
The Holistic Herbal Dictionary- A Directory of Herbal Remedies for Everyday Health Problems By: Penelope Ody


           What surrounds us impacts how we live. Clutter, dirt, and filth impacts just as clean, comfy, comforting, and safe. For this reason, our home can act as a physical representation of our sanctuary here on Earth.

Magical Housekeeping By: Tess Whitehurst
– Feng Shui- Check out this tool under the “F” tab

Incense & Smudging:

           Plants have been a tool for mankind for generations. One way we can utilize them, is through burning them. In this way we are impacting the energy within us and around us. This biochemical reaction makes incense one of the great tools for our toolbox.

Incense & Smudging
Incense and Incense Ritual By: Thomas Kinkele
Incense Crafting & Use of Magickal Scents By: Carl F. Neal
Juniper Ridge is where I buy my non-synthetic incense

Inner Child:

          Inner child work is critical to eliminating and healing from our past. Coming to understand the past, forgive (ourselves & others), let go of the dysfunction and coping mechanisms that no-longer serve you, and move on to a happier life. These steps are necessary if we want to walk the best version of our Path of Happiness.

The Emotionally Absent Mother: A Guide To Self-Healing and Getting the Love You Missed By: Jasmin Lee Cori
How to Be an Adult- A Handbook on Psychological and Spiritual Integration By: David Richo

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           In choosing to live my life from a place of love (Heart-Centered Principle) I’ve needed to delve into the various styles, layers, qualities, and textures in order to know the emotion that is love.

Love 101: How do we share our love?
Love for Our Family: What is a healthy love?
Romance 101: How to approach a healthy love?
Patriotic Love: Why we love our country
– For articles and reference material for self-love, check out the “S” tab


           There are some tools that broach more than one topic, or don’t fall into a single category. Yet they have played an integral role in my journey.

Loner Wolf by Luna & Sol: This website is great for many topics on metaphysical tools and philosophies. They even have FREE quizzes. Check them out!
High Magick By: Damien Echos (This book has amazing tools to start altering your life.)

The Moon:

          In astrology the moon holds significance, so much so, that there are books specifically on the moon’s energetic influence.

be your own Moon Astrologer By: Heather Roan
Moonology By: Yasmin Boland


           Names have power. Created by Sharon Lynn Wyeth, this woman discovered another tool for us to use to learn a little bit more about ourselves. Each letter in our name provides insight into who we are.

– Sharon Lynn Wyeth’s website: Know The Name
Know The Name Know The Person By: Sharon Lynn Wyeth


          Did you know that your spine might be out of alignment? Car accidents and other physically wrenching experiences can throw our body out of alignment causing all kinds of chronic ailments. In re-aligning your body, you can reduce or eliminate these ailments.


           The numbers that surround our life have meaning. From the Seven Major Personality numbers to our daily, monthly, and yearly numbers. Much can be learned to aid us in our pursuit of happiness.

Numerology: Christmas Countdown 2019
Hans Decoz: the expert
Numerology Made Easy By: Michelle Buchanan
Numerology By: Hans Decoz with Tom Monte
Numerology Bible By: Teresa Moorey

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Palm Reading:

           Long ago, a fortune teller might take the hand of a client and read their palms. This was done in all seriousness and the insight and information the client received was taken to heart. Nowadays palm reading has picked up some unkind connotations. But just as Chinese Face Reading can reflect information about a person so can our hands.
           In palm reading the lines and mounds on our hands reflect our health, personality, and current life. Whether you choose to study this tool or have someone read your palms, you can gain insight into yourself and your life.

Palmistry 101: What is Palmistry?
Palm Reading For Beginners By:Richard Webster
Palmistry Your Personal Guide By: Roberta Vernon
The Encyclopedia of Palmistry By: Edward Campbell


           A simple yet effective tool, pendulums are a great way to start gain simple clarity. Not only can you ask yes/no/maybe questions, but you can also clear energy, and gain a sense of empowerment. This tool can be learned by anyone, utilized by anyone, and modified to a method that works best for you.

Pendulum Magic By: Richard Webster

Power Animals:

           Animal totems are a form of spirit guides. With four types of power animals, we are guided and supported by these guides everyday.
           Animal Totems have played a major role in my life, and where one of the first tools my mother ever taught me. My personal animal totem is the bald eagle, which you can see in my logo.

Animal Speak By: Ted Andrews

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           Our hands, feet, and ears carry maps to the rest of our bodies. When we massage and treat our hands, feet, and ears there lies a correlation that impacts the rest of our body, spreading the healing.

Idiot’s Guide to Reflexology By: Bill Floco
Reflexology for Beginners By: David Vennelis


          This new Japanese tool utilizes the manipulation of energy to heal people. Here we can see the transition from Energy Worker to Energy Healer. Not only is this tool healing but it can be done by others or you can even do it for yourself.

Reiki By: Pamela Miles
The Art of Psychic Reiki By: Lisa Campion


         Knowing how to have healthy and happy relationship might seem like a natural state, but it isn’t. Building a healthy and happy relationship is something we all need to learn how to do.

Inner & Outer Circle Relationship
Committing to Yourself
Your Relationship with Yourself
Your Inner Circle
Love For Our Family: What is a healthy love?
Family During the Holiday Season
Your Relationship with Spirit
Gottman Institute: This couple has spent decades researching relationships and how they work or fail. Their research breaks down different elements of relationships, helping to empower couples so they not only have a healthy relationship but a long lasting one as well.
– Brene Brown: This woman studied shame and learned a lot about vulnerability, trust, and relationships. Check out her website & one of her TED Talks
– For more on love check out the “L” tab, and for self-love check out the “S” tab.


           Our self-love acts as the driving force in our life. Building our self-confidence, our self-worth, and our inner strength. One of the Three Keys to a strong Path of Happiness, self-love stems from inside of you and as a result lies completely within your control. Not dependent on any outside validation, self-love can be kindled and ignited anywhere you are with anyone around. But that doesn’t mean you need to learn the skills to self-love alone.

Love of Self: What it means and how to do it
Self-Love, Self-Care, Self-Worth: Getting started
Self-Love Ritual
Be Gentle With Yourself
The Path of Self-Love and World Domination By: Heidi Green
Love Yourself Like Your Life Depends On It By: Kamal Ravikant
The Self-Love Workbook for Teens By: Shainna Ali

Six Safety Tools:

          Energy swirls around and within us. We have the option to impact that energy, to purge the toxic and promote the loving energies. These I call my Six Safety Tools…

Six Safety Tools
Incense & Smudging
Cutting Cords
“Bless me, Bless you.”
The Elements

Soul Contract:

          Did you know that you planned your life? This plan is commonly known as our Soul Contract. Within this contract we make a plan for our life with the aid of our spirit guides, fellow souls, and Spirit. We decide what lessons we wish to learn. What we wish to teach. What we want to experience. Who will aid us and who will challenge us. This plan provides us an outline for our life- so that we may be better guided and supported.

Your Soul Contract
Your Soul’s Plan By: Robert Schwartz (Robert Schwartz has introduced this idea to the public. He book breaks down this truth and provides examples.)


          Who you believe the creator of our souls and world is personal. Which is why I call this entity- Spirit (non-gender specific).
          I encourage you to create a relationship with Spirit, whoever that is for you. This connection determines a lot about the quality of your life and supplies many tools to remove unnecessary worry and fear, leaving more room for happiness. For this reason, I consider our personal relationships with Spirit to be one of the three keys to a strong Path of Happiness.

Spirituality for You
Your Relationship with Spirit

Spirit Guides:

         We are guided in each moment of our lives. In choosing to connect with your guides you are increasing the information, comfort, and guidance that is available to you.

Spirit Guides 101: What are Spirit Guides?
Earth Peladians Keys to the Living Library By: Barbara Marciniak
How to- Meet and Work With Spirit Guides By: Ted Andrews
Opening to Channel By: Sanaya Roman

Spiritual Gifts:

          Each of us have gifts that come from our soul. Some of us learn to access these gifts. Either because we need them or we have created an environment where we can open ourselves up to these deeper parts of ourselves. Most commonly known as a psychic, these gifts range in style, size, and ability.

Spiritual Gifts 101: What are they?


          Mediums have the ability to communicate with those who are dead, are ghosts, or the spirits around us (such as spirit guides). Some believe that this ability belongs in the same family of other psychics, while others believe the medium’s abilities are not linked. I am of the opinion that mediums are a part of the psychic family. That being said they are a well-known topic, so they get their own spot.

Discovering the Medium Within By: Anysia Keil


          Do you know the different psychic abilities? Do you want to develop your own?

Discover Your Psychic Type By: Sherrie Dillard
Psychic Abilities By: Melanie Barnum
Psychic Development By: William W. Hewitt
The Psychic Pathway By: Sonia Choquette
The Practical Psychic By: Noreen Renier Psychic Detective


          This ancient philosophy originates in ancient China, and since that time, Taoism has only grown.From the people who practice this faith to the tools uncovered by them, Taoism has much to teach us about life and how to live in harmony.

Taoism 101: What is Taoism?
Feng Shui 101: What is Feng Shui?
Chinese Face Reading 101: What is Chinese Face Reading?
Taoist Medicine: The Basics


          When taking control of your life, one great tool at your disposal is tarot. This style of deck not only is artistic but offers you a plethora of information and guidance. For this reason, I spent a year studying with a tarot reader with 50+ years of experience. Not only did my studies empower me, but provided me with a tool to gain clarity and insight into myself, others, and life. Due to my own great interest in this tool, I have an entire page dedicated to Tarot.


          Did you know that tattoos have a spiritual element? This blood ritual can be cathartic or chaotic all based on the image, placement, artist, and environment. As a result, the image, placement, and the swirling energy that surrounds you as you partake in this rite will connect with you in this and other lifetimes to come.

Conscious Ink By: Lisa Barretta

Ted Talk:

          This non-profit organization was first established in 1984, and has only grown. Their mission, to spread ideas. As a result, this site is a wonderful place to find new and reliable knowledge.

TED Talk

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          As a woman, I have not only searched for wisdom about life and myself, but to honor my body. While I am a believer in equality for all of humanity, I do acknowledge that biologically woman are different. As a result, I want to share websites and books that help us women to honor our body, and as a result, increase our happiness and self-love.

Bare Necessities

Cora Life
She Thinx
Period Repair Manual By: Lara Briden
Small Woman’s Guide to PMS and Pain-free Periods By: Linda Woolven
On the Spot Real Girls on Periods, Growing Up, and Finding Your Groove By: Karle Dickerson

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I am of the belief that it is through knowledge and learning that we acquire the skills and tools needed to make our dreams a reality. I also believe that as a community, knowledge is meant to be shared. For this reason, I have listed the knowledge I have utilized in my own healing. If you found this page of wisdom helpful and wish to express your thanks, consider buying me a cup of cocoa…

Buy Me a Coffee

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