20 days: Santa Claus

Person and symbol all rolled into one, Old Saint Nicholas travels the globe to deliver gifts to children everywhere. This Saint was born in what is known as modern day Turkey in the year 280 A.D. A wealthy man chose to take his inherited wealth and put it to work. Traveling the countryside Nicholas helped the poor and sick.

          In response to this man’s compassionate heart, he was deemed a saint, a protector of children and sailors. This man’s actions endured the weathering of time and the persecution of saints, to make his way to us today. I believe that his message endures, because at our hearts we know what’s important. We know what’s worth cherishing and saving.

          Since the birth of this man many legends and stories have shaped our perception. During the 18th century “Sinter Klaas” made his way to our continent through the Dutch families that chose to honor the anniversary of this man’s death on December 6th. (Tomorrow).

          Then in the year 1822, Episcopal Minister Clement Clarke Moore wrote the Christmas poem we know today as, “Twas the night before Christmas.” From this heart-felt poem, political cartoonist Thomas Nast drew the image of Santa Claus in 1881, that we know today. The jolly man, dressed in red.

          In my family, Santa Claus was a fixture of Christmas and a representation of the Christmas Spirit. Until the day I discovered he wasn’t the person leaving my presents under the tree. Then my young heart and my growing mind underwent a battle over what was real. The answer I reached is…

Santa Claus is real.

          Maybe he’s a man who travels the globe or maybe he is the energy of Saint Nicholas and the Christmas Spirit- so strong that when we connect with the Christmas Spirit- we can see him.

          In the last few years, my understanding of the universe has stretched past my previous sight. I now work with energy to heal myself and others. I use techniques and tools that work because of energy. Much of what I believe, use, and practice cannot be seen with my physical eyes. But that doesn’t make them any less real.

          Santa Claus is real because we believe. We bring him to life with the stories we tell and the memories we share. Just like the Christmas Spirit, Santa Claus impacts our world because we give him the power to do so.

          My mom likes to say she’s one of Santa’s helpers. As a child this answer annoyed me. It seemed like a cop out, to cover for the fact that I had learned the truth. But I don’t feel or think that way anymore.

          So, in lieu of what my mother has taught me, I ask you to join our band and be one of Santa’s helpers. Help the world, just as he does. Help our children. Protect them. Cherish them. Support and love them.

          During this holiday season and past it- I encourage you to follow Santa Claus’ lead and watch over the boys and girls of our planet, be they naughty or nice. Help them to connect to the Christmas Spirit. Help them to know they are loved. That they don’t need to be perfect. That they have a voice and the power to shape the reality we share on this planet.

Join us and be one of Santa’s Helpers.  

Your Daily Dose of Christmas:

Check out what Santa’s up to: https://www.noradsanta.org/

Christmas Song: Santa Claus is Comin’ To Town        by, Burl Ives

Christmas Movie: Polar Express

Daily Affirmation:

  • “I believe.”

Learn the history of Santa Claus.

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