Coronavirus: What we can do.


          We as individuals are responsible for our own happiness. But we are never alone. For as individuals we come together and create a community, a nation, a globe. We form humanity.

          During a time in our world, where we face a pandemic, we as individuals and as humanity have a choice. We can choose the path of pain, fear, and trauma, or we can choose the path of healing and happiness.

          I have been thinking long and hard about this virus, and what we as a globe need. Today I came up with an answer. We need each other. For when we work towards a common goal we can achieve miracles. So, I ask that you work with me to do just that. Help me to heal us.

          We each contain a piece of the larger puzzle because each of us is important to the world. We each have a role in the bigger picture, this means that we each have an impact. What we choose to do will impact all of us.

Let me show you what I mean….

          During a time when we are being asked to enter seclusion to reduce exposure, it can feel like we do not possess that ability to make any positive and healing change within our community. But it does not require a medical degree to help.

What we can do:

One: Take care of yourself.

          Just as we are asked to place the oxygen mask on ourselves before others on a plane, start by taking care of yourself. Do what you need to, to be safe.

This might mean:

  • Staying at home.
  • Washing your hands more often.
  • Reducing human contact.
  • Purchasing the supplies you need.

Do what you need to, to be safe.

          This means more than just your physical safety. Look after your mental and emotional needs. Rather than going through this time in a state of fear and panic, make decisions that will help keep you calm and even happy.

Decisions such as:

  • Reading only what you need to, to stay informed. Reduce your social media exposure. There are people out there stirring the drama pot and spreading fear.
  • Talking when you need to. Either to a loved one or even a professional.
  • Getting the food, sleep, and rest you need.
  • Honoring what you are feeling and thinking.
  • Educating yourself on the virus and tools to address your physical and mental needs.
  • Taking Bach’s Flower Rescue Remedy for your mental health.
  • Using your Six Safety Tools.  

Healing starts at home, with you. You are a part of humanity and deserve to feel safe.

Two- Walk the walk.

          After we are in a place of calm, we can start to make decisions to spread this healing energy. You have an influence over your local environments, utilize that influence to make a difference.

          Whether it’s your home or local environments in your community (grocery store, etc.) show those around you another way to live. Just by walking through the grocery store in a calm manner, you can show people another choice while setting them at ease.

          When you talk with others, tell them about the choice they have. The choice on how we will experience this pandemic.

It’s not the event, but how you choose to perceive it.

          We are all facing a pandemic, but how we choose to perceive and respond to this pandemic will determine what we experience. Inform those you talk to about this choice. Let them know that we can go through this with healing, love, and happiness rather than fear and trauma.

Three- Ask for help.

          None of us walks alone. We have a family and a community. We also have spirit guides. Souls that walk with us, guiding and protecting us when we ask. So lets ask.

          Call on your spirit guides to help you stay safe and calm. Know that you do not have to walk alone. Know that it does not have to be hard.

          Then after calling on your spirit guides, call on those around you. We each have personal spirit guides. When you are the company of other people, call on their spirit guides to help them.

          There is no shame in asking for help. When we choose to ask for help we make the choice of walking a path that is easier, safer, and boosted with healing spirits. This is just what we need.

Four- Can you do more?

          After we have taken care of our own needs, the needs of our family, and shown people another way to approach this pandemic, we have another choice. We can choose to do more.

          From work, family, children, and location we are each experiencing slightly different days. Due to this we each have different things to offer. From our skills to our free time, we can choose to volunteer and aid those around us.

How you can volunteer:

  • Hands-on.
    • EMT
    • Fire & Rescue
    • Driving a food van.
    • Tending to the elderly.
  • Virtual.
    • Donating your experience.
    • Volunteering over the phone or computer.

Are you interested in volunteering?

We are a community on a local and global scale. We are experiencing a pandemic together. And we will get through this.


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