December 23rd: Re-Balance With Vibrational Music

Hello Chickadee! With only two more days till Christmas, I want to remind about someone who is massively important…


I know that during the holidays or any other busy time of year we can reorganize and put off things on our ever present “to-do list.” And one of the easiest things to put off is ourselves.

We someone how find it easier to hold off on the alone time, massage, meditation, or even that extra hour of sleep. We find it easier than what we see as letting those we love down. Because to put someone else off, to delay a project or chore, seems wrong.

Sometimes we can forget that we too are people. So, today I just wanted to remind you of your worth.

With that in mind, I have put together a selection of vibrational music for you to listen to. Each link will take you to a different video on YouTube, which you can play while you spend some time alone, during a meditation, during a bath, or if sitting still doesn’t appeal- you can listen while you take care of some of those chores. I know for some they have family coming and there’s a lot to take care of to get the house ready for company.

Vibrational Music:

For those of you unfamiliar with vibrational music, it essentially is melodic music free of lyrics designed to facilitate certain healing or elements of prosperity to your life. This music is based on the principle of energy.

As human beings we are made of matter which is a specific type of energy. Yet our emotions, thoughts, and body all influence us as individuals. Which is not only how we are all so unique and special, but it influences our unique energy signature.

A lower vibration triggers, sustains, and supports negative thoughts and feelings and impedes healing. While higher vibrations trigger and support healing, prosperity, love, happiness, etc.

Sometimes we as human beings are stressed due to the things that are happening in our individual lives. This stress and even fear can cause a roadblock between ourselves and those higher vibrations that we seek. Even when we want those higher vibrations it can be hard to achieve them on our own. So, we utilize tools that help create a bridge between ourselves and where we wish to be. These tools can be crystals, energy healing, or even vibrational music.

This holiday season, keep yourself on the list of important things to take care of. And take care of yourself with a little vibrational music…

Be well Chickadee.

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