December 3rd: Calling on Your Spiritual Family

Hello Chickadee and welcome to another day in December. As we count our way down to Christmas, I know that the holiday season can bring up a lot of emotions.

With the potential for worry, exhaustion, and unhappiness I want to help you choose a different path. A path where your holiday season, your month is filled with joy, merriment, love, happiness, and the Christmas Spirit.

While I can’t be by your side, there are others who can. Take a moment to call in your spiritual family- your guardians, spirit guides, and support team, to help you navigate and prosper this month.

For those of you already familiar with your spiritual team, call them in and ask them to help keep you safe and thriving.

For those of you who might still be learning about your spiritual family, I have called on the spiritual world for three guides for our month. These members are not only going to be a part of my spiritual family, but they have offered to be a part of yours.

Take a moment to read about these three beings who have stepped up to guide, protect, and empower you this coming month…

Pulling Three Cards:

As I sat down to write today’s post, I had the epiphany to select a few guides for us. In order to do that I utilized three oracle decks to help me talk with the spiritual world.

I shuffled each deck and asked the Universe who wished to come be with us this month as we count our way down to Christmas. Then I pulled one card from each deck and our extended family made themselves known…

Kyle Gray’s Angels and Ancestors Oracle Cards:

Guardian Angel- You Are Not Alone

Extended Message:

“Everyone has a guardian angel who has been with them in all their past lifetimes and will be there in all the lifetimes to come. So know that you are never alone and never will be alone. This card is a huge reminder that there is always help and support available to you. Your guardian angel is with you now and is here to aid you in all of your endeavors. In order to fully receive their support, first ask for it, then surrender to the process. Know that whatever unfolds will be for your highest good.”

Animal Spirits Knowledge Cards paintings by Susan Seddon Boulet:

Panther- magic, darkness, death

Animal totems are a form of spirit guides, and they offer wonderful qualities and insights into who we are, what is going on in our life, and how we can successfully navigate the path before us. And the black panther is no exception.

The black panther symbolizes strength through honesty and truth. Because of the panther’s ability to navigate within darkness unseen, he teaches the skill of removing masks and seeing things for what they are.

Panther is not deceptive as he moves through the jungle but rather his very nature is what empowers him, and that is the skill and message he has for you. You too are powerful in your own right. You possess the ability and strength to see situations and people for who they are and to present yourself in authenticity.

This month as you journey through work and personal interactions, call on black panther to stand by your side and remind you of your own innate strength. You can do this.

Archangel Fire Oracle by Alexandra Wenmen:

Archangel Ariel- Strength of Heart

Message from Archangel Ariel: “Have courage and faith in yourself and your beliefs I will help you stand up for yourself and defend anyone who needs your strength of heart.”

Archangel Ariel is head of the nature angels with close ties to the fairies, nymphs, and elements so I would not be surprised if they also make their presence know to you this month.

Known as the “Lioness of God,” she is not only about strength and courage but about the strength that comes from knowing when to walk away. For she can help to shield you from people who are vexing or confrontational. Sometimes when dealing with someone who is not in touch with their ears, it is best to walk away, because even if you said the smartest thing in creation, they still would not hear you or understand.

If at anytime this month you feel as if you are struggling with your ideas or beliefs call in Archangel Ariel to stand by your side and offer you strength with whatever the situation is.

This month, today, and all the days behind and before us you are watched over. You are loved, supported, and guided by a spiritual family made up of spiritual beings and ancestors.

Today choose a path with me, a path where don’t just count our way down to Christmas but make this journey a pleasant one. Invite the Christmas spirit into your life and have a wonderful day chickadee!

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