Interview with A Medical Intuitive: Part III

These past two days I have shared portions of the interview I’ve conducted with a Medical Intuitive, Charlotte Branca. Today I’ll be sharing that last portion of our conversation, covering an introduction into alternative medicine.

“Moving on [I want to] break down the first word, medical. Alternative medicine and herbal medicine, and an introduction as to what they are.”

“…When people come to me it’s because not everything is going great in their life. And usually that’s why somebody is looking for a healer or a psychic, sometimes you’re going just to see [about] preventative medicine, which is always fabulous. I do that as well for people and I do it for myself. But a lot of times you are going to see somebody because you are out of balance, whether its emotionally or physically.

So, the Medical Intuitive side of things is, I’m looking for where energy is stuck within the physical body, it’s not moving. It’s stagnant. That can eventually become a problem in the physical body, or it may have already developed into a problem in the physical body. I’m wanting to see just where energy is stuck and needs to be moving into the body, so things can heal that are already a problem and so things don’t actually become a bigger problem. Whenever energy is stuck in the body even when it hasn’t begun to manifest there’s always an emotional and spiritual reason why it’s sticking.”

“You bring up a very important point, that there is this connectivity between spiritual, physical, emotional, mental, that a lot of people aren’t even aware of. So, could you break that down?”

“A lot of times, when you’re learning, you’re going to hear the mind, body, spirit– healing, that’s kind of where it’s narrowed down. We are spiritual beings in a physical body. And we have an emotional body as well. So generally, whatever we create, we have already decided we want to learn on a spiritual level. Our emotions are sometimes in conflict with that learning. Or sometimes it’s just learning how to deal with those emotions.

And then if there’s a problem where we’re out of sync or out of balance, within the spirit, the mind, then we become out of balance in the body, the physical body itself. So, the physical body is the last place where symptoms will manifest. So, it’s always that the physical body wants to get your attention. You know we’ve had this come up in our life a kazillion times and this particulate problem, and we’re handling it the same way we’ve always handled it. And it’s not worked.

The body will start to create a physical problem, that says, “we have to make change, because we can’t continue doing what we’re doing.” I like to look at all places… all three are working together and they’re all different. A spirit comes to earth to actually experience emotion and physical reality, here. So, there all a little slightly different but they work together, and they have to be working together, so if one is out of balance then everything gets out of balance.”

“A lot of people think mind, and body, and soul are separate- and just changing that basic foundational piece in perception is very key to changing their life as a whole.”

“They are separate things, but that would be similar to our heart being separate from the vascular system. And the stomach and the liver. They are all different things but that all work together in order to create the whole and when one is out of balance everything else is out of balance. And that’s the same as spirit, mind, emotion, and body. They all work together to create the whole.”

“Alternative medicine is an option, and I know for you and for me, that there are times we need to go to a hospital, and we need that western medicine for help, whether that’s a traumatic injury or scans or different things.”

“Well I always look at, in this day and age, we have amazing technology for testing to discover where issues are happening within our body. There’s biofeedback now, there’s all kinds of things as well as blood tests and hair analysis and all these things that can give you an overview of what’s going on. I think that’s fabulous and important to do, and I think that’s even a nice kind of preventative thing to do yearly. To just kind of get an overview of what’s happening in your system. So I think modern technology, medical technology, has advances that are very useful on a preventative level as well. So always recommended using something like that.

As a daily practice, holistic medicine to me, is the best way to go. Using herbs, using vitamins, using diet, using spiritual healing, meditation, all of these things are great for daily balance. Occasionally emergencies arise. And they happen unexpectedly, food poisoning, a flu you can’t get past, bacterial infections- nothing holistically is touching, you fall and break your leg, you’re in car accident or all of a sudden, you’re having pain in your chest that’s completely inexplainable.

Definitely- go to the doctors, go the hospital, it’s definitely without a question of the doubt. Does everybody do that, no, a lot of holistic people say “no I’m not going to go see a doctor or anything.”

And I think that’s a mistake, I’ve seen a lot of people get worse or injured because they are not finding out what is actually going on. Or dealing with it, and I really think that it’s really important to know as much as you can about yourself and your own body. To be able to make the right choices and decisions for your health, and sometimes, again modern technology, modern medicine, has made so many amazing strides for emergency medicine. Keeping people alive, and whenever you are in a state of cancer or broken bones, you generally in emergency medicine.

So, the goal is to move out of that, so you can move back into preventative medicine, which is where I really think holistic really excels in preventative, as well as creating balance for the body. But sometimes in emergency medicine it’s just not enough.”

“I completely agree with you. I’m very much the same way, that one, you’re doing things every moment every single day that are going to help you. Two, sometimes you need help or that bigger step and to not deny that to yourself. To demonstrate that self-love, to go to the doctors and say hey, I need some big jumbo medicine help here.”

“And like I said, I see a spiritual healer and I go for readings and I’m very holistic with my diet and my herbal medicine. But I still go in and get my cholesterol levels checked… just because I like to know what’s going on. Get my blood pressure done, my cholesterol, I get my hair analysis done every year, to see where my nutrient levels are if I need something, if I’m missing something.

We’re in a modern age as well, where we have so many chemicals we’re inundated in our environment. And so, sometimes it’s hard to figure out where that balance is, and then genetic problems and vaccinations. We have so many things that work against our health that it’s nice to get an overview with modern technology of what’s going on. And then using holistic when applicable to correct that.

So even if I were in an emergency state and broke my arm, I would get a cast on my arm. I would not go, “oh my god, I’m going to do this holistically,” put a cast on my arm, I will take the pain medication for a few days because the pain is huge. And then I’m also going to start working with my herbs to build bone, reduce the inflammation, and repair things to its optimal level. So, I think there is a nice way to blend holistic and allopathic medicine. I don’t think it’s a one or the other choice anymore. I think we have so many options, and it’s a really individual call to use it to our advantage.”

So, I’m going to wrap up this interview [and] get to our challenge and tools.


“The challenge for the readers this week around the rose quartz, is to be aware of your own self-talk and messages, where you believe you are wrong or doing something wrong. And let go of imagining what others are thinking of you. So that you’re moving more into a neutral state and not projecting or assuming anything, because that is part of self-love and loving others, is not moving into fear and anger and frustration with yourself or others.”


Stone: Rose Quartz Crystal

“When you asked about a crystal the rose quartz was coming to mind. The reason why- was to give the intention to the stone, actually tell the stone.. what you would like it to work with you with.

Using the rose quartz crystal, this (programming) can be used with any crystal each crystal has its own gift and assistance for health and healing and balance. The rose quartz crystal is about love, loving yourself and loving others. And you can actually just by holding the crystal in your hands, and focusing on it, you can decide and let the crystal, it’s communication with the crystal, what you would like to help you with.

So, you can literally program or intend or ask, everybody’s going to be a little different on how that works for them, what they want to do, how they’re going to put that verbally.

[The intention] That the crystal helps you in a specific way. And was coming up for the rose quartz crystal is for giving the intention for the stone, to assist with an easy transition and loving transition to the greatest self-love and acceptance of others that is possible. So we want the rose quartz to bring love to self and to others and clear out any of these challenges that come up around this, easily.”


“The affirmation that is coming up to me is that, “I am capable of handling my life even the difficult and overwhelming challenges.”

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