Tarot 101: Just What is Tarot?

In this world we can feel alone. Lost amidst an ancient world, where long before us, glaciers carved the Earth. Then, as human beings took their first steps, their heads held high; each individual has put a universal truth to the test.

That life can be better.

For each person, they have taken this truth and attempted to push the boundaries of the human experience. Through the mastery of fire, language, hunting, and gathering slowly, like the glaciers, we have carved a place for ourselves.

In the process, humanity has faltered. Lost its way and at times embraced hatred more than our universal truth. Yet, in each generation there have been those who approached this challenge together.

As a village, a community, individuals have joined together to support, challenge, and love one another. Honoring the weaving, of our internal & external realities. The result, they have pushed the boundaries of the human experience.

Many generations later, the village that stood together has left us in a better place. Now it is our turn to push the boundaries of the human experience, where we can push past survival and learn to thrive.

This is what I teach here and with each new tool, I not only achieve a greater state for my own life, but I join the village that has come before me. In keeping these tools alive and utilizing them, they will survive. So that my children’s children can use them to push the boundaries they encounter.

In this way, we are not alone. We do not need to uncover a thriving human experience all on our own. The wisdom that has come before us lives to this day.


One such tool that exemplifies the power of community, is Tarot. While its history is up for debate, what we do know, is that hundreds of years ago (around the middle of the 14th Century) “rational” thought was paving a new path for the human experience.

Unfortunately, some people felt threatened by the wisdom that came before and this community was threatened. In order to preserve and make this wisdom accessible to all people, it was hidden in a pack of popular playing cards.

Then hundreds of years later, these diverse decks grace the shelves of many stores. In one such esoteric shop, a little six-year-old girl first witnessed the tool, Tarot.

Large and deep, even at six she knew the deck held too much power, wisdom, and knowledge for her young mind. But she didn’t forget their place on that shelf.

Then twelve years later, the young girl grew into a young woman. Partly due to age and partly in hope, she bought her first tarot deck. But in truth, the deck was still too much and it would take another two years before she began to study the wisdom painted on the cards.

It seems long ago, when I first saw a tarot deck. I suppose the moment remains imprinted within my mind, because the shelf where the tarot decks sat was eye level with my six-year-old self. Since that time I have studied and taken classes to unveil the mystery of tarot.

Now, I am going to share my knowledge with you…

What is Tarot?

The community that first created the tarot deck, did so with the aim and purpose of creating a safe record of all of the wisdom that had been uncovered. In order to preserve the boundaries of the human experience that had been pushed. In essence- their understanding of the human experience and how to make the most of it.

These 78 cards teach tarot readers like myself about life. How it operates and helps us to understand it. Through the use of energy, we can utilize a tarot deck to gain insight, wisdom, knowledge, and guidance for ourselves and others.

Tarot crosses the bridge between our physical world, us human beings live in, and the esoteric forces that work with us. Most notably, our spirit guides and Spirit.

When I shuffle my deck of cards, I call on Spirit, my spirit guides, others (if applicable) and ask my questions. In response, they utilize the power of energy to influence the order of the cards.

In pairing these influences, with my intuition, as I shuffle, I imbue the cards with energy pertaining to my question. I shuffle till its time to stop, and then I lay my cards out and see what story they have to tell me.

Final Thoughts:

Many years have passed since first seeing a tarot deck, receiving my first reading, and learning to use the cards. But with each shuffle and each question I not only push the boundaries of life and enter into a thriving human experience, but I learn more about myself and the world I live in. Tarot can do the same for you. It can help to empower you within your own life.


This week I encourage you to consider the tool of tarot. Maybe you have dabbled, maybe you need more information before you make a decision, or maybe you are ready to get started. If you are interested in delving into the tool of tarot, come back on Wednesday and the following Sundays and Wednesdays because this month is all about Tarot!


  • Stone: Lapis Lazuli.

In honor of one potential history of tarot, this Egyptian stone comes with a long and ancient history. Meaning “blue stone,” Lapis Lazuli has been mined since the 7th Millennium. It’s energetic properties are: wisdom, truth, enlightenment, and spiritual awakening. For this reason, this stone helps the user to connect deep within themselves. Awakening their inner truth, intuition, and helping you to embrace your innate power.

  • Affirmations:
  • “I embrace an open mind and heart for the wisdom I have yet to encounter in life.”
  • “I honor and trust my intuition, the feelings and thoughts that come from deep within.”
  • “I embrace the tools that help empower me in my own life.”
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