The Akashic Records

          Who we are isn’t as simple as: Jock, nerd, princess, or rebel… For we are not one thing, and we are not static.

          We blossom, our petals and seeds billowing in the wind. We fall, we fly, and in the time of our lives we know, see, and are many things. It is through the discovery of ourselves that we accomplish a higher state of life.


  • Become knowledgeable about what brings us joy.
  • Develop a relationship with ourselves, equaling self-love.
  • Achieve greater empowerment.
  • Become knowledgeable about our responsibility for who we are, ourselves, and our life.

Who we are encompasses all things… Us in this moment, no matter how we feel. It also includes our past. The memories and the forgotten. For this reason, the forgotten can become our challenge.

How do we discover ourselves, when part of our memories/experiences are forgotten?

It is in these moments where we look to the Akashic Records.

What are the Akashic Records:

          For those who believe in reincarnation, we know that we as souls live multiple lifetimes. This gift of new experiences, new chances, and an engaging existence shapes the identity of our soul.

          With each new lifetime, we choose where we will go and what we’ll encounter (Soul Contract). When we are born, our human form not only connects us to Earth, but it also sets boundaries and walls against things from our past.

          Simple things, like mathematics, reading, and writing. As well as complex things, like character traits and memories. These limitations and reductions in how much of our soul consciously is a part of our lives, acts as a critical component for us, so that we can have those new experiences.

          But it also blocks us from things that impact us unknowingly. Things like old soul wounds, past knowledge, and even past relationships. As a result, we can be left in the dark.

          But just as we have the internet to ask and search for new wisdom, we have an ethereal plane (also known as the etheric plane) that we can turn to. Essentially, that’s what the Akashic Records are.

The Akashic Records: “A record of your soul’s past, present, and future. Covering past lives, experiences, lessons, and choices.”

          By accessing this spiritual place, we can shed light onto subconscious and unseen influences in our lives. Healing old wounds that have traveled with us via our soul, gaining insight into relationships deeper than normal, and accessing knowledge already learned.

How do they appear/operate?

          Since the Akashic Records exist in a place outside of Earth and the physical world, how people interpret the Akashic Record changes. This ethereal place is not limited, like our three-dimensions, to just one state of being.

          When we access our Akashic Records they come in a form that is comprehensible for our minds.

This might include…

  • An image of a library.
  • An image of a very large and ancient book.
  • A black space that then brings images of lifetimes before.
  • A flipbook.
  • A series of volumes.

In my research of the Akashic Records, I found that each person had a different understanding of how the Akashic Records appeared. Influenced by who they were, what made sense to them, and even what their dominant spiritual gift was (psychic abilities).

As a result, it is my personal conclusion that the Akashic Records are not limited to just one state of being. That since their purpose is to aid us in reconnecting, healing, and understanding ourselves, that they will appear in whatever form makes sense to our individual perceptions.

How to access your records:

          Accessing our individual records ranges from complex to simple, depending on where you are on your journey. When the metaphysical aspect of life is new, accessing some like the Akashic Records can feel as foreign and complicated as computer code. For this reason, I have included how you might pursue accessing your Akashic Records and how you might utilize the skills of someone else.

By Yourself:

          While accessing your Akashic Records might be your final goal, there are some essential steps that must be taken first, in order for you to be successful in accessing your records.

  • First- You need to research and gather the information that you will need. This would include, reincarnation, Soul Contracts, an accurate understanding of Karma, and any other information pertaining to your soul.
  • Second- You need to achieve and sustain a high vibrational level. Now this goes back to energy (energy 101). As we raise our natural vibrational level, we begin to ascend into a more spiritual environment, accessing wisdom and skills locked away.
    • Raising your vibrational level- can be done in a myriad of ways and is generally achieved by combining many tools and skills. Some of which, but are not limited to, your Six Safety Tools, physical and energy healing, inner work, reduction of toxicity, etc.
  • Third- Learning the steps to accessing the Akashic Records. Now I have worked with many different healers and readers that have not only accessed my Akashic Records but taught me how. They each have a slightly different ritual or process they go through. This has taught me that, where you are on your journey has a great influence on how easily you can access your records. Often times, a prayer is said before and after accessing your Records.  

Lastly, it is important to note that when you access your Akashic Records it’s not like reading your high school/college transcripts. You might see things, or even hear/smell/feel things. The anger and pain of the past will come with the wound you are healing. They need to be honored and felt in order to heal.

After accessing your records, anything you feel or think (even if it can’t be justified by your current lifetime) is ok. It may feel strange but it’s not bad or wrong.

By Others:

          Another option is to seek out healers and readers to access your Akashic Records on your behalf. This is done through various ways depending on the person’s personal style, their own vibrational level, and their skill set (clairvoyant vs. clairaudient for example).

          Accessing the Akashic Records can happen while you’re in the room or even long-distance, which will also influence your experience.

The important things to know:

  • Permission is always necessary for a third party to access your records.
  • Good intentions play a huge role on whether or not a person is successful (including yourself).
  • You can go into your records for a particular lifetime or just see which one pops up.
  • How much of a single lifetime is show, depends on why you came and what you need to get from that lifetime to help you with your current one.

Each experience I have had, when accessing my Akashic Records, has been different. I have never known an entire lifetime, because in each instance (whether it’s accessing an old wound or past knowledge) knowing everything about that life is unnecessary.

I have also had readings where the Akashic Records was the focus or the side aspect to aiding that particular reading. While other times memories of the past have been instigated by energy healing of my physical body. I have even had one of my teachers access my records for me, but led me through the process, walking me through it, in order to teach me how to do it on my own.

As you can see, there is no one right way to accessing your Akashic Records. Just as long as you connect with your reader/healer, trust them, and they approach the process from a good place.

*You can always ask your spirit guides to keep you safe and not let anyone in who comes with an unhealthy agenda.

Final Words:

          The Akashic Records are a wonderful tool. Releasing phobias, understanding relationships, and learning more about who you are, are all things that improve the quality of your life. But this tool isn’t like so many others. It comes with a great power of influence.

          I have been accessing my Akashic Records since I was a child (unknowingly) and since that time I have seen, felt, and experienced much from my past lives. Who I am today, includes those memories.

          They have shaped me, my character, my desires, my dreams, and even my understanding of the world. I can connect to people today because I remember a wide-range of lifetimes, with a wide-range of experiences.

          Each lifetime accessed will send a ripple effect throughout your life and your understanding of things. That’s the powerful gift of the Akashic Records.

Check out these videos on the Akashic Records:

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