Veteran’s Day- For the Veterans

Today is dedicated to the men and women who have donned the uniform, entered the trenches, and fought the wars we’ve ordered them to. They are the human beings that dedicate their time and energy, and possibly their lives, for us. For you and for me.

Thank you for your service.


For those of us who stay at home- it can be an easy thing to forget. That not just on this day, but on everyone before and after- we have been at war. That our people have been putting their uniform and peace of mind to the test.

Here at home we have choices. Because
they are protected. Because soldiers don’t pick and choose- so they protect it
all. Including our right to be stupid. They protect this land and all that means.

I think a lot about what this country is.
What it means, what we stand for, what we put up with, what we support, and
what we accept. My hope is that we as a nation, as individuals, stand for family. That we protect our people. That we do what we can.

For those of us, who live on this land, who cherish and experience the rights preserved by her people- we can do things. We may not be able to say, “I know.” “I understand.”

But we can say, “I am here for you.”

What we can do:

  • Advocate for our people. For programs and tools to help our people.
  • Donate money, donate our time.
  • Remove the money element from war.
  • Show compassion.
  • When the opportunity presents itself- answer the call.
  •  Do what we can to handle public affairs in rooms and not in trenches. Let’s bring our people home.


But I also want this post to be for the veterans. For the soldiers still in uniform. For those who have yet to serve. For the young and the old ones. For the ones in pain.

I talk a lot about happiness here. About making changes and being happy. I generally keep my writing focused on a
broad audience. Today, this post is for you.

So, let’s get specific.

I can’t say, “I know.” But I do say, “I am here for you.”

This is what I know to be true- we all have the right to pursue our happiness. You gave us that. Now it’s time for you to experience that right.

Truths to keep in mind:

  • You have a right– to happiness.
  • There does exist a path past your pain.
  • You are lovable, forgivable, and
  • The Universe, Spirit, your spirit guides, and those of us on our Paths of Happiness- we have not and will not give up on you.

How to go about Walking Your Path of Happiness:

  • Ask for help.

This is not a path you need to take alone. You are deserving of help. So, call out. Ask for help and start your way down this path.

  • Therapy.

We all need this. Even those of us who have lived a comfortable and joyous life.
So, I know you need this. You need a safe place to talk- with someone who knows
how to healthily respond.

In demonstrating self-love, give this to yourself. You don’t need to settle for the first person you meet. Find what works for you. This is your path of healing.

  • Fill your toolbox.

We have so many tools in the world to help, and more are being created specifically for the traumas you’ve seen, done, and endured. Gather as many
tools for your toolbox as you can. Don’t limit yourself. Take all the gifts Spirit and the Universe have to offer.

  • Give yourself some time.

Often times the amount of time it takes to become unraveled and knotted takes a matter of moments. The act of untangling ourselves, and righting ourselves- it takes
many moments, over much time.

This is a reality that is true- instead of choosing to battle this truth, honor it, and honor the effect of it. It will take time to heal, to make changes, to see results. But just because you can’t see it yet- it doesn’t mean there aren’t things moving in the background.

My final comment-

I can’t say I have all the answers,
because I don’t. But what I offer here is a safe haven. I offer you the wisdom I possess and a healing space. If it helps you, I’m happy. And if it doesn’t- take
what works for you and leave the rest.

If you get nothing more from me and from this post and website- know this. You have a right to Your Path of Happiness.

Thank you for your service.

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