Acupuncture 101

          Like water energy flows all around us. From the home we live in, to the stars above us, energy large and small weaves within our world. For myself this philosophy of energy acts as an integral and foundational piece to my personal philosophy. The same can be said for the Taoists.

          For them, they spent hundreds of years analyzing the interaction between life and the individual. The interplay between yin and yang forces. As a result, they provided us with so many wonderful tools.

          One such tool that balances the idea of energy while integrating it into our personal lives is acupuncture.

Acupuncture: “Acupuncture is one of the main forms of treatment in traditional Chinese medicine. It involves the use of sharp, thin needles that are inserted in the body at very specific points. This process is believed to adjust and alter the body’s energy flow into healthier patterns, and is used to treat a wide variety of illnesses and health conditions.” ~Medical Dictionary

What is Acupuncture?

          For Taoists their focus is on the Dao or “way of life.” The act of learning to live in harmony with life; balancing nature, yin & yang, the five elements (fire, water, earth, air, & metal), and the twelve organs & channels within our life.

          When we learn to live a balanced life, our health reaches optimum levels and we get to reap the benefits of a wonderful and healthy life. Taoists are all about taking responsibility and utilizing the power we have in our own life to create the life we desire.

          In this way we can utilize acupuncture. The healing tool allows us to utilize the power we have in our own life, in conjuncture with our bodies’ natural desire for balance, to achieve health and balance.

          Through enhancing the underlying health of patients (preventative medicine) acupuncturists can prevent, reduce, or remove chronic ailments from our lives.

How does acupuncture work?

          When the Taoists studied energy, they discovered that within us we hold energy (qi). They then took things a step further and discovered that there are places on the body where we can influence the flow of energy.

          These pathways of energy are known as meridians, and they connect to the twelve organs. By inserting a needle in specific areas an acupuncturist has the ability to influence the flow of energy. Either rerouting energy or unclogging an energetic blockage.

Requirements for a great acupuncturist:

          Acupuncture has proven to be such an effective tool that it has spread past the Asian continent to us here in the western world. But that doesn’t mean that all acupuncturists are of the same caliper.

          If acupuncture is a tool that you would like to utilize or even learn, I highly recommend that you select someone who has done more than take a year or two of school.

          Acupuncture is not only a medical healing tool it is also a part of a larger philosophy. Learning the ideas of yin & yang, as well as energy is vital to truly understanding and utilizing this tool.

When you see an acupuncturist:

          If you choose to see an acupuncturist you will find that their style differs greatly from an appointment with a western doctor. First of all, an acupuncturist trained in the ancient Chinese art will often times know other Taoist tools, such as Chinese Face Reading that aids in the diagnosing of patients.

          Not only will they ask you about what hurts and what you want to heal, during your consultation, they will also pay attention to your voice, the palar of your skin, and even your touch.

          Based on these indicators along with what you share your acupuncturist will diagnose what’s going on with your body and create an individualized treatment plan for you.

          Following this consultation, the acupuncturist will insert the needles in the specific areas in correlation with your ailments. These needles will be single use and will be thrown out after being used on you.

The Benefits:

  • Health.  (physical, emotional, & mental) (such as depression)
  • Aiding in addictions.
  • Aiding in weight issues.

Acupuncture has lasted thousands of years because it is based on the energy of reality. When we are all interwoven, influencing one another great and small we are empowered to become proactive in our life and in our health. Taoist tools and acupuncture are just some of the ways we can choose what kind of life we wish to live.

For more information, check out these videos…

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