Chinese Face Reading 101: What is Chinese Face Reading

          When you take a look in the mirror, what do you see? Do you notice the reflection, or do you keep walking? What if I told you that there was a story to be told, just by gazing upon the face in the mirror.

          Thousands of years ago, a group of people known as Taoists strove to improve their life. It was their belief that through increased health and healing we could end up prolonging our life until we achieved immortality. Due to this goal, Taoists spent their time discovering and creating tools to achieve this goal. One such tool is now known today as Chinese Face Reading.

Chinese Face Reading: “Face reading, also known as physiognomy, is a science where we can learn the character, fate, fortune, history, and future of a person based on the placement, size, and shape of a person’s face/facial features.”

          When most people gaze into the mirror, what they see is a face. Demonstrating age, gender, race, and style preferences. But when a trained Taoist or a student of this tool gazes in the mirror, or at those around them, they see more.

The Three Pieces of Information Our Face Conveys:

          As you gaze into the mirror there are three pieces of information being conveyed. But the Taoists didn’t start out with three pieces but with one. The first discovery they made about our face is that it conveys our health.

          Just like our eyes go yellow when we’re in liver failure, much more happens to help inform us and our physicians with what’s going on inside.

          With our health on our face, the Taoists could have stopped there, except these students of life kept observing and noticed more. Through time and research a pattern began to emerge. One that showed that our face conveys our personality.

          Based upon the size, shape, and placement of our facial features we convey who we are. Our perceptions, actions, and attitudes lay written for the world to know.  

          With these wonderful pieces of information at hand, Taoists had established a tool that spread throughout all of China. Yet, they didn’t stop there. They took things a step further when they began to notice more.

          What the Taoists discovered was that, taking into account health and personality, they could determine your past and your future. When we continue to act in the same way, based upon our personality we create a predicable path for our future.

          From these three gems of wisdom, this Taoist tool spread throughout the land. Our faces became an integral part to the ruling and decision making of families in China.

          Physicians diagnosed patients, parents planned perfect marriages, and bosses chose who was best for a promotion. All based upon the face we see in the mirror.

          Now thousands of years later, many in China still gaze into the faces of those around them.


          While health was the first aspect of Chinese Face Reading discovered, personality is the part I am most adept at and is the one that anyone can learn. My education on the subject started at infancy and since that time I have come to learn about what our face can teach us.

          As I have come to learn, we have two types of personality traits. The ones we pick before birth, placed in our Soul Contract, and the ones we learn in life. The energy of our actions, thoughts, and words influences the face we see.

          We can also influence that energy by having plastic surgery. In this way, the trickle effect impacts us on an energetic level and influences our personality.

          If you wish to pursue Chinese Face Reading, I would recommend, the master and the source of my knowledge, Lillian Bridges.

“Lillian Pearl Bridges is the world’s leading authority on Face Reading and Diagnosis. She is credited for bringing this body of ancient knowledge back to the field of Chinese Medicine and introducing it to Western Medicine and Business. She has nearly 30 years of experience in speaking and teaching to Complimentary and Allopathic Doctors, Acupuncturists and other Natural Health Practitioners, CEO’s and Executive Management Teams.” ~Lotus Website (Lillian Bridges’)

To give you an idea of just what we can learn here are some examples taken from Lillian Bridges’ book, Face Reading In Chinese Medicine.

Notice the strong jaw.
  • Roots of the Tree: Jaw:
    • Strong Jaw- Shows determination, athleticism, and desire to fight for what he/she believes in.
    • Weak Jaw: Indicates a person who is not strong in their own beliefs and will often agree with whoever they are talking to.
  • Nostrils:
    • Large- Indicates a person with a lot of energy. You will notice method actors will often have large nostrils.
    • Small- Indicates a person with less energy. They aren’t the ones to bounce in their seat.
  • Ears:
    • Large- Indicates a person’s ability to take risks.
    • Small- Indicates that this person is cautious by nature.
    • Close-set- Indicates a person who is a good listener.
    • Set-off- Indicates a person who will hear what they want.
His eyes are set behind his brow bone.
  • Eye Depth:
    • Eyes behind brow bone: Indicates a person who is introverted, and often shyer than they appear.
    • Eyes equal to the protrusion of the brow bone: Indicates a personality that is extroverted, sociable, and can be bold and impulsive.
  • Brow Bones:
    • Strong & obvious- Indicates a person who doesn’t like being told what to do, but rather likes telling others what to do.
She has a strong jaw, cheekbones, and brow bones.
  • Laughing Lines:
    • In the corner of the eyes, the lines that crinkle as a person laughs or smiles, are known as laughing lines. Indicating that this person is a happy-go-lucky kind of guy.


          Thousands of years ago, male physicians weren’t allowed to touch their female patients without an important reason. As a result, women were left to point at a statue to let their physician know what hurt.

          Thankfully, Chinese Face Reading became a tool, physicians could utilize to analyze their patients without ever needing to lay a hand on their patients.

          While this tool can be a wonderful component to providing insight into the condition of your body I am not qualified to teach you the signs. Nor are you qualified to self-diagnose.

          If you choose to pursue Chinese Face Reading, Lillian Pearl Bridges offers classes that explore the various facets of Chinese Face Reading.  


          Our face has come to mean more than just what we see in the mirror. It acts as a record of the life we have lived. What has brought us to this moment in time, and just what we might anticipate from the future.  

          Imagine your average day. The places you go, the people you see, and most importantly the emotions and actions you choose. With each smile, frown, laugh, or feeling of confusion you are leaving a record of your life.

          As you live- lines, wrinkles, marks, and other various transformations happen on your face. These features tell a story of your past.

The Past:

          Each part of your face correlates to a time frame in your life. During that time frame, should a big event happen in your life, filled with high and intense emotions a mark is formed in the corresponding area of your face.

These lines record the big moments in our life.

  • Conception-14: the ears. (Men start with the left ear, while women start with the right.)
  • 20’s: your forehead.
  • 30’s: your eyebrows and eyes.
  • 40’s: your nose.
  • 50’s: your mouth.
  • 60’s: your chin.
  • 70’s: your jaw.

In addition to these marks you also carve a face with the facial expressions you make. Overtime and through repetition we create wrinkles and lines in our face marking common facial expressions.

Repeated facial expressions create a record.

Not only do these wrinkles inform others about our history, but also about our personality.  Just like the laughing lines indicate a person who is often happy, they also tell us the in his/her past they have been through some wonderful times.

The Future:

          Our face reflects who we have become, based upon our past. We can derive information not only about who we are today because of our past and the choices we have made, but we can also gain insight into where we are going.

          If we have a history of laughing in our life, this positive perception is highly likely to continue. This means that as life continues it can be assumed that we will continue to have a good time.

Final Thoughts:

          This ancient art has been with me since infancy. From the conversations and observations I’ve made of actors during the movies, or the insight I get from people I’ve just met, this tool acts as a wonderful addition to our lives.

          It has the ability to be used in fun. Or as protection; aiding our intuition as we live in this world. Who we are, matters, and sometimes we can fail to see the growth we’ve experienced. But our face acts as that record of all we have been, and just how far we’ve come.

          Now, as you gaze into the mirror… What do you see?


          I challenge you to spend time looking into the mirror this week. Look past social definitions of beauty and any previously made opinions of yourself. As you gaze into the mirror, think about all you have lived through and who you have become. I challenge you to shift your definition of your face from beauty and fitting in- to individuality and honesty. You are beautiful because you honor and love yourself by having a face that reflects you, and you are important and special just by being you.


  • Stone: Amber.

Actually fossilized resin, amber holds wonderful healing energy. With the ability to calm the wearer, amber is used to balance emotions, release negative energies, fears, and phobias, and act as psychic protection. Found in various hues and shapes, amber holds a soothing and warm energy, wonderful for all occasions.

  • Affirmations:
    • “I open myself up to the wisdom my face provides.”
    • “I discover truth and beauty each time I gaze in the mirror.”
    • “I am filled with wonder at the complexity and individuality that my face displays.”
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