Taoist Medicine: The Basics

          All around the world we as human beings have shared a similar characteristic no matter the culture or the times. This characteristic is the need to help those we see in pain.

          From the cavemen who tried various plants, to the alchemists with their magical spells. We have done what we can, with what we knew, to stop pain. Our pain and the pain we see others in.

          For the Taoists, they built their principles of healing on the foundational premise of energy. From this foundation they formed a style of medicine commonly categorized today as Eastern medicine.

          By treating each aspect of a person, (mind, body, & spirit) they achieved a greater level of healing.

Medicine in Taoism:

          Taoism has become a religion for many people. The reason it still lives on today, past Chinese dynasties and alienation, is due to the strong and comprehensive understanding of life that Taoism offers.

          Healing for the Taoists was of great importance, because they believed than when we extended a human’s life, we would eventually achieve immortality. A key goal in Taoism.

          Their logic was this: When we focused on longevity we could learn to survive better. As a direct result, we can end up thriving more than we currently are.

          Due to the strong focus on longevity and immortality within the Taoist faith, they devoted a lot of time on health and healing.

The Components to Taoist Medicine:

          Taoist medicine revolves around three key components. They combine their understanding of the world, utilizing energy and the rules of balance to shape an approach to healing.

Secondly they applied knowledge of human beings and saw the interconnected nature of our thoughts, emotions, and our physical well-being. Lastly, they also approached our health from a practical standpoint, utilizing scientific method and observation to craft a comprehensive method for promoting healing and overall well-being.

As a result, Taoists approach healing as a part of our daily lives. Rather than waiting to get sick and needing to rush to the hospital, we can choose to take action and practice preventative medicine.

Step One: Preventative Medicine.

This premise of preventative medicine was one of the core beliefs in Taoism medicine, along with sanitation. If we can slow the aging process, not only do we increase our life expectancy (immortality), but we also improve the quality of the life we live. In this way, we survive better and then can thrive more.

Preventative medicine means utilizing tools and principles to cultivate strength internally so that we can not only maintain a healthy body but increase the level of health we have.

We can do this through:

  • Training our mind/emotion/spirit.
  • Tai Chi- physical strengthening of our body.
  • Qi Gong- using intent, mind, and movement to strengthen our well-being.
  • Meditation.
  • Sanitary lifestyle.
  • Diet- practicing balance rather than indulgence.

Step Two: Illness.

          While preventative action does much to increase the quality and quantity of our life, there are times when we become ill. It was of the Taoist belief that there are three main categories for illness.

          A Taoist physician will take these three categories into consideration when diagnosing and treating a patient. In order to diagnose a patient, they will utilize various tools…

One- External.

          We are connected to the world around us. As a direct result, the condition of the environment we live in plays a role in our health. Whether it’s pollution or energy (Feng Shui), Taoists will consider the impact your environment is having on your symptoms.

Two- Internal.

          Since Taoist medicine is based upon the foundational principle of energy, they discovered the link between mind, emotions, and spirit. When the quality of our thoughts and emotions play a role in our health, treating the symptom is not enough. Even if we purge the ailment, the root cause remains with us until we address the thought or emotion that is triggering our deterioration.

Three- Miscellaneous.

          There are moments when our ailments do not come from the home we live in or the thoughts swirling within us. It is in these times when our physicians must hunt for another root cause. Some of them being…

  • Astrological influence.
  • Spirit phenomenon (ghosts).
  • Past lives.

For the Taoist these three categories play a major role in the treatment of a patient, because while physical healing is the purpose of the treatment, they also want to address the root cause. In this way we can not only successfully recover from our pain but prevent the pain from returning.

Step Three: Treatment.

          The insight a Taoist physician receives through the root cause of an ailment plays a large role in what tool they will utilize for treatment. In this way, Taoist physicians are known to approach treatment in a style very different than western physicians.

          For Taoists they will tailor make a treatment for each patient. From their perspective- The symptom may be the same, but each person is unique. Due to this belief, each patient will receive a variation in treatment.

This may include:

  • Acupuncture- the placement of needles to influence the flow of energy within the body.
  • Herbs.
  • Massage.
  • Meditation.
  • Talismans- symbols imbued with energy and specific intention.
  • Change in diet.

Final Thoughts:

          As a student of Taoist philosophy and the human experience I have found that their Eastern Medicine approach to life can greatly improve the quality of our Path of Happiness.

          We can do more than just survive. While chronic pain has become a common state for many people, the pain does not need to remain in our life. When we are connected to the world around us, and our body is impacted by our mind, emotions, and soul, learning all we can about ourselves and the tools available to us, we become empowered. We end the pain.  


          This week consider your physical health. Are you in pain? What is the symptom of that pain? Then approach your pain from the perspective of Taoist philosophy- What might be the root cause? What could you do, to do more than survive but thrive?


  • Stone: Sapphire.

This shining stone holds protective energies. In calming your environment, the stone protects your body, mind, and emotions on a number of levels. From promoting truth around you, to connecting you to your higher self and intuition sapphire not only makes a wonderful jewelry accessory but a great tool in your toolbox. In addition, this stone aids in memory and clarity.

  • Affirmations:
    • “I choose to honor my mind, emotion, spirit, body, and their connection.”
    • “I open myself up to new wisdom.”
    • “I invite healing energy into my body and my life.”
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