Spiritual Gifts 101: What are they?

          We bring with us, and hold within our being, all we have been before. One thing reincarnation and my past lives have taught me, is that while there are certain personality aspects that we learn or are energetically imbued with at birth (astrology/Neimology/numerology), at our heart we are, our soul.

          The person we are today, comes from the energies present at birth, fulfilling our Soul Contract, what we learn and experience, and what we bring with us from our past. This combination is what creates such a deep and unique human being. Another depth that we each have, is our soul’s gifts or our spiritual abilities.

Spiritual Gifts: “Are skills that we possess on a soul level, that can be channeled through our body and utilized in this lifetime.”

What are Spiritual Gifts?

          Within our human form we are born with our five senses (sight, taste, hearing, touch, and smell). But these are not the only sense we possess. On a soul level we each have skills and abilities. These gifts are commonly known as psychic abilities.

However, the term is generally misunderstood and does not apply to each ability our soul may possess.

          Spiritual gifts range from different styles of intuition to healing abilities. For this reason, I like to call them our spiritual gifts. Since they originate deep within our soul and not with our human form.

The Different Abilities


Most commonly known, psychic abilities actually reference a category of spiritual gifts. This form of intuition takes on many styles, matching a person’s personality and way of understanding things. Just as we have four ways of learning (auditory/visual/kinesthetic/reading & writing), we each have our own way of best understanding the messages we receive.

For this reason, when we unveil one of our psychic abilities, it comes from connecting with that aspect of our soul on a conscious level. The type of psychic ability will match who we are.

Psychics: “Access the extrasensory (unseen) information and knowledge within the world.”

Here are the four main categories of Psychic Gifts: 

  • Emotional Intuitive: These gifts resonate from emotions.
    • Empaths fall under this category.
    • Emotional telepathic.
  • Mental Intuitive: These people know, think, and see things in systems and patterns.
    • Mental telepathy. 
  • Physical Intuitive: These people interpret psychic energy through their bodies and objects.
    • Bodily impressions- Sensing through physical sensations.
    • Psychometry falls under this category as well.
  • Spiritual Intuitive: Have visions, see images, and/or sense the presences of spirits.
    • Mediums.

Within each of these main categories there are various styles of receiving information/knowledge. These styles can apply to multiple categories.

  • Clairvoyance: “clear seeing.”
    • Knowledge comes through visions/images/sights.
  • Clairaudience: “clear hearing.”
    • Knowledge comes from hearing psychically without the use of your physical ears.
  • Clairsentience: “clear feeling” or “clear sensing.”
    • Knowledge comes through our ability to pick up emotions/feelings/moods laying under the surface.
  • Clairempathy: “clear emotion.”
    • Knowledge comes from taking on/knowing the emotions of others.
    • Empaths would fall under this category.
    • This gift is closely tied to Clairsentience.
  • Claircognizance: “clear knowing.”
    • Knowledge comes from just knowing. The information pops up inside your brain, one moment it wasn’t there and in the next it is.
  • Clairgustance: “clear tasting.”
    • Knowledge comes from tasting something not actually in your mouth.
    • Rarely does this gift work alone, but rather can act as a trigger for another gift. For example, Clairvoyance (vision).
  • Clairalience/Clairolfaction/Clairescense: “clear smelling.”
    • Knowledge comes from smelling something not there.
    • Acts a lot like Clairgustance as a trigger.
  • Clairtangency: “clear touch.”
    • Knowledge comes from touch.
    • Whether touching objects or people.
    • Psychometry falls under this type- “based on the principle that all objects hold energy and that energy can be tuned in to when you hold or touch the object. Thus, gaining insight into the history of the object or the owner of said object.”
  • Telepathy:
    • Communication via your mind.
  • Psychokinesis:
    • Movement of objects without using touch, but rather with only your mind.

These psychic gifts differ from one another in what information can be gathered. The information can cover people, places, things, histories, and even at times the future. Each style of psychic abilities will offer information in different ways.

The depth and scope of information is then determined by each individual. How strong the ability is and how much information is attained is influenced by how long a person has been consciously psychic, if it’s their dominant ability, where they are on their journey, and how much they use and embrace this aspect of their soul.  


          The second category of spiritual gifts comes in the form of healing. While psychic abilities are used to gain knowledge to aid a person in healing, the act of influencing a person’s body/mind/heart/soul to bring about healing is another style of spiritual gifts.

          Psychic abilities work, because they are the energetic aspect of ourselves (soul) connecting with the energies in our world. Shedding light on things as human beings we don’t have access to.

          Healing works much in the same way, energy healing utilizes our ability to influence things that are made of energy (like people, animals, and environments) to influence their condition.

          This healing can come through an energy healer or a shaman.

  • Energy Healer:

Energy Healers can use tools (crystals/incense) or merely their own body to bring healing to a person. One style of energy healing is, Reiki. Others lack names or are techniques (like the two-point-touch). For this reason, each Energy Healer creates their own style.

From their psychic abilities or through divination (tarot/oracle decks/pendulums) they can gain insight into what needs healing. Then how they go about helping a person to heal, is done through different styles, techniques, and tools.

  • Shaman:

This ancient form of healing applies to people who enter trances to reach other states of consciousness, other realms, or other states of being. From these points they not only can learn information, see things, but also bring back new energies. It is in this way shamans are able to heal people.

Where do Spiritual Gifts come from?

          These wide range of abilities are held within our soul. But some did not originate there. Some of the gifts we have, come from who we are (psychic abilities) others (energy healing) come from what we learn in a lifetime.

          Through working with my Akashic Records, I have gained insight into my past lives. When I paired this tool with my psychic abilities, I not only learned of, but witnessed and experienced moments from before. As a result, I was given an opportunity to re-learn skills and tools, so that I can use them in this lifetime.

          When we learn abilities in a lifetime, this knowledge gets woven into who we are on a soul level. We then carry this wisdom as we live. Then we are reincarnated into a new form, and sometimes that part of our soul comes through into this lifetime. We can consciously connect with our “sixth sense” and muscle memory can take over when we heal. All due to what has become a part of our soul.

How do Spiritual Gifts become a part of our lives today?

          As I’ve said we can bring these abilities forth into our lives today. This happens mainly in two ways. The first is a traumatic or pivotal moment in our lives. The second, through self-acceptance.


          Whether written into our Soul Contract (intentionally triggering our abilities) or through the ripple effect brought by someone in our lives, we enter a situation where we are altered in a profound way. As a result, a part of our soul comes through that hadn’t before.

          Often times this profound change comes from trauma, because it puts us into a situation where there are no human tools to help and guide us. It forces us to remove the “rational” thought that psychic abilities don’t exist, and turn to the only source of comfort and guidance. Thus, accepting what we could not have before.


          The second way we access abilities in this lifetime, is through self-acceptance. For myself, this is how I was able to connect with that aspect of my soul.

          Having been raised around psychics and energy healers, I grew up wanting to be like the people I admired. But with no knowledge, I walked life with my five basic senses. Until I reached the day, where I accepted that I probably never have any abilities.

          It was in that moment, where I stopped trying to force myself to be something I wasn’t, and embraced who I was, that I uncovered more about myself. I uncovered my dominant psychic ability- I became a conscious empath.

          In that moment where I experienced what someone else was feeling, I was thrown. Turning to a psychic and energy healer, she informed me that I had always been an empath, but it was in accepting myself that I became consciously aware of it.

          From that point, when we either trigger or accept our gift, we can grow. This growth can come in the form of a new psychic ability, a remembrance of a past skill or learning a new skill.

What to do with your Spiritual Gifts?

          Whether you have access to a spiritual gift at this time, is something only you know, but if you do, there are various options in what you can do. You have the opportunity to strengthen who you are and receive an increased level of guidance, not to mention, supply of wisdom, that you can utilize to improve your life.

          You also have the opportunity to not only apply this gift to yourself but share it with those around you. Shedding light on people, aiding them in their healing, or teaching them how to do the same.

          You are not required to open up a shop and heal people for a living. I know of energy healers who only work with friends and family, I also know of others who heal on a more professional level.

          Spiritual gifts help you, others, and the world. But how you utilize them comes down to what is healthy and good for you. What you are ready for, and what you are open to.

How to foster your Spiritual Gifts?

          Spiritual gifts range in size, skill, and style. For this reason, we add an extra layer of depth and individuality to who we are. For myself, I embraced and have built my abilities. Not only reading what I could, talking with others, but studying under various people. But not everyone is like me.

          I had a best friend in elementary school who experienced a trigger, unlocking her psychic ability and became a medium. Her ability to see ghosts, happened due to the death of her father. But rather than embracing this skill, she ran from it, and suppressed her abilities, re-locking her spiritual gifts.

          Spiritual gifts are not known by everyone, and not everyone handles them in a healthy way. Which is why I caution people who see psychics and energy healers, to remember that as human beings, we all hold wounds we are healing and dysfunction we are addressing. This does not change, even though we have access to our spiritual gifts.

          In choosing to foster your abilities, I encourage you to learn what you can from whoever you can but question each source. Even question me. My understanding of spiritual gifts comes from my personal experiences, what I have witnessed, and what I have been taught. For others they share different views than I do.

          In choosing to foster your spiritual gift, you are choosing to honor an aspect of our soul that has emerged. Doing so in a healthy way means, choosing self-love, and learning many skills and tools so you can choose the ones that resonate with who you are.

          Don’t do anything that you don’t feel ready or comfortable with and take the time to consider things. Find what’s real and true for you.

Final Thoughts:

          We carry with us all we have ever been, experienced, and learned. Some of these things will flow into you and be brought to your mind and heart. At times they will bring old wounds in need of healing, and other times they will be what you need to help yourself or someone you love heal.

          In those instances, honor the experience. Rather than choosing to dictate how it should go, or what makes sense to your “rational” mind, allow the moment to unfold. Call on your spirit guides, for they are always there to assist you, and embrace your soul (self-love demonstration). In the end of the experience, you’ll emerge a transformed person in a better place.


          This week I challenge you to question what you’ve just read. Pull in previous knowledge (experience, witnessed, what you’ve read or been taught) and see where you stand. Then from this place decide what you might do next.

  • See a psychic or energy healer.
  • Connect with your own abilities.
  • Learn more.


  • Stone: Dumortierite.

This rare blue quartz works with you on multiple levels. As a result, it is perfect for this week’s topic. Dumortierite connects us with our Third Eye and Throat Chakras, enhancing your intuition (psychic skills) but also helping your Third Eye to connect and meld with your other chakras. Such as building in strength and endurance to connect and process with your high chakras (Galactic Gateway, and Soul Star Chakras). With your Throat Chakra, this stone helps create a communication between lower and higher chakras.

          Dumortierite also helps us process the emotions and pain from traumatic events. Which if they have triggered a spiritual gift, will not only help you to heal, but also more easily accept a new aspect of yourself.

          In addition, dumortierite is used to remove internal and mental blocks. Stimulating our intelligence, aiding in mathematical and language development.

  • Discover your Psychic Type
    • By: Sherrie Dillard-
      • I recommend starting with this one- due to the questionnaire that can help you.
  • Psychic Abilities- For Beginners
    • By: Melanie Barnum-
      • This is great book to learn more about the various types of psychics and some tools you can start to implement.
  • Psychic Development- For Beginners
    • By: William W. Hewitt-
      • Great for that next step after discovering your dominant psychic ability.
  • The Psychic Pathway
    • By: Sonia Choquette
      • You are taken through a four-week process to travel the psychic pathway, accessing and strengthening your psychic abilities.
  • The Practical Psychic- A No-Nonsense Guide to Developing Your Natural Intuitive Abilities
    • By: Noreen Renier Psychic Detective
      • I just came across this book, but she looks like she combines a lot of the other topics I have discussed.
  • Affirmations:
    • “I open myself up and accept each depth of my soul.”
    • “I approach new knowledge and truths with an open mind and heart.”
    • “I approach new gifts at the speed and level that is best for me.”
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